

No Help From Javier

I hate when the Yankees have off days, especially when they are running on all cylinders and playing like they might never lose again. But without Yankees baseball on Monday, I got a chance to

I hate when the Yankees have off days, especially when they are running on all cylinders and playing like they might never lose again. But without Yankees baseball on Monday, I got a chance to watch the Mets begin a stretch of games that will ultimately determine whether or not Jerry Manuel will have to file for unemployment, as well the debut of the Mets’ chosen one: Ike Davis.

The first round of the Survivor-like battle for immunity between Jerry Manuel and Lou Piniella went to Manuel, as Ike Davis made a seamless transition to the bigs by sending a message to Daniel Murphy that he either needs to learn a new position or find a new line of work. Like a veteran, Davis let a changeup makes it way outside the zone against Randy Wells in the second inning before picking up his first hit in majors in the same at-bat. And then against left-hander Sean Marshall, Davis jumped out of the way of two epic breaking balls before picking up his second career hit and first career RBI. In one night, Davis basically matched Mike Jacobs’ numbers through the first two weeks of the season, and instilled some hope and confidence into Mets fans.

I am as far away from being a Mets fan or liking the Mets as I am from becoming a member of Red Sox Nation, but for some reason I like Ike Davis. This will probably change by Friday since Mets fans will likely start debating if Davis is better than Mark Teixeira, but until then, I’m an Ike Davis fan.

Why is this a big deal? Because I’m not a fan of any Met, but there is something about Davis that makes him a likeable player and personality even though he is part of a cast of unlikable characters. I’m not going to go pick up a “Davis 29” shirt today, I’m just saying that I am pulling for him to do well.

For at least one night, Davis helped remedy the Mets’ problems at first base and he gave a fan base that is ready to jump ship a reason to stay onboard a little longer. In a season where conflict has found the Mets like a season of The O.C., Davis has emerged as the one bright light capable of providing some relief for Mets fans and an alternative to the liquor cabinet for the time being.

On the other side of town – the winning side – the Yankees’ are currently harboring the anti-Ike Davis. While the Mets have found their one flicker of hope on a team of turmoil, the Yankees have one thorn in the side of their plans to run away and hide in the AL East.

The Yankees have played 12 games this season, and at least every person on the roster has helped contribute to the Yankees’ nine wins except for Javier Vazquez. For a guy who was expected to flirt with a 20-win season in the Bronx in his second go-around with the Bombers, the second verse has started the same way the first one ended.

When the Yankees traded for Vazquez, there were three questions that he needed to answer during his second chance in pinstripes:

1. Could his success in the NL translate to success in the AL?

2. Could he leave the past (2004) in the past?

3. Could he handle the pressure of pitching in New York this time since he couldn’t the first time?

So far we’re 0-for-3 if you’re scoring at home.

Yankees fans spent the winter believing in a changed Vazquez, a pitcher who was supposed to be much different than the man who helped contribute to the biggest stain in franchise history. Instead Vazquez’s two starts have been an extension of the 2004, while the rest of the team tries to extend the 2009 season.

If you were to play the word association game with “Javier Vazquez,” the first thing that comes to mind is Game 7, but 2004 would also be an acceptable answer. Will there ever be a day when I hear “Javier Vazquez” and don’t immediately think of his ill-fated attempt to wiggle out of a bases-loaded jam in Game 7? I don’t think so. But it doesn’t mean he can’t begin to rewrite the story of his time with the Yankees.

I have been torn on whether or not is it fair to get on Vazquez after just two starts or roughly 6 percent of what will be his regular season body of work for the year. Part of me thinks it’s a bit insane to expect perfection in baseball and the other part of me thinks that Vazquez needs to do something to prove he won’t be a glaring hole in the rotation between Andy Pettitte and Phil Hughes. The difference between Vazquez failing in the Bronx and getting booed and a big-name free agent failing and getting booed is that Vazquez has a history in New York. And the only thing to judge him by is his one year in New York, which everyone is trying to put in the back of their minds, but he keeps bringing it up to the front.

The thing that Vazquez enthusiasts and non-Yankees fans don’t understand is that the only body of work that matters for evaluating Vazquez is what he has done with the Yankees. No one in the Bronx is impressed by what he did with the Expos, Diamondbacks, White Sox or Braves, or how he dominated the National League in 2009. So when he gets lit up by a limping Angels team and outpitched by Joel Pineiro’s sinker at home, no one is going to be forgiving because he won 15 games for the Braves last season, simply because no one cares. Yankees fans are going to judge him based on how he performs in New York, and if his performance deserves some April Bronx cheer, so be it. It’s deserved.

For anyone else in baseball on any other team in baseball, their third start of the season in April would be exactly that. But after laying a pair of eggs against the Rays and Angels, and being the only unproductive piece of the Yankees so far, Vazquez’s starts against the A’s and Angels are getting the attention of October starts. No one is worried about Mark Teixeira getting a hit once a week or Nick Johnson taking called third strikes like a hobby (though that’s getting annoying), but everyone is worried about Javier Vazquez because he has done nothing in the past to prove he can bounce back from adversity.

There will be a sense of urgency in each of Vazquez’s two road starts in order to get him right before the Yankees return home, because the closer the Yankees get to returning home and the farther Vazquez is removed from being who he was last year, the louder the boos will be in the Bronx. If Vazquez is going to be bad against the A’s, he better be outstanding against the Angels. If he ends up back in New York still winless at the end of the month, he better be on the disabled list because the last place he is going to want to be in the world is on the mound at Yankee Stadium pitching for his first win of the season after a month of action.

At 9-3 with series wins over the Red Sox, Rays, Angels and Rangers, there should be little to nothing to complain about with the Yankees and their best start to the season in seven years. Tight now Javier Vazquez is the “little” something to complain about, but he can change that on the West Coast, 3,000 miles away from where one pitch from over five years ago still defines his Yankees career.

It might only be his third start of the year, but it’s time Javier Vazquez proves his worth to Yankees fans. There is just no way he can return home without having already done so.

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The 2010 All-Animosity Team

The Yankees’ series win over the Angels felt too easy. It was strangely and almost eerily easy. Sure the Yankees nearly blew both their wins over the Halos with a shaky bullpen and some shakier

The Yankees’ series win over the Angels felt too easy. It was strangely and almost eerily easy. Sure the Yankees nearly blew both their wins over the Halos with a shaky bullpen and some shakier managing, but they came away with the series win despite those things. Even though the Yankees won their third series in as many tries to open the 2010 season, I feel like they could have and should have swept the Angels. And if Javier Vazquez didn’t lay an egg against Joel Pineiro, maybe they would have.

I think the Angels are close to forfeiting their title as an elite team in baseball. Now this isn’t as sure of a thing as it was for me to put the finishing touches on David Ortiz’s career as “Big Papi” last week, but I believe we are watching the Angels’ slow fall from grace. This doesn’t mean that the Angels won’t wind up winning the West – a division in which even the A’s have a chance – it just means they are no longer the threat they used to be.

I used to look at the Yankees schedule and search for series the Yankees could win, series they could split and then series against the Angels. The Angels were their own separate entity on the Yankees’ calendar and they deserved to be. The most wins you could pencil the Yankees in for against the Angels in a three-game set was one, and then hope they get lucky and win a second game.

Mike Scioscia might very well be the best manager in baseball and the Angels might run one of the best fundamentally sound organizations in the game, but they have slowly pulled key pieces of their franchise out like blocks from a Jenga tower, and their carefully constructed foundation looks ready to crumble.

Prior to the Yankees’ ALCS win over the Angels last October, I would have rather had the Yankees play any team other than the Angels. I would have gladly gone through the physical and emotional grind of another Yankees-Red Sox seven-game series if it meant the Yankees wouldn’t have to face the Angels. But after the Yankees beat the Angels in relative ease in October, it became obvious that the team built to expose every flaw of the Yankees over the last decade was no longer capable of doing so.

Howie Kendrick’s three days in the Bronx best summed up the state of the Angels. Kendrick, a career .409 hitter against the Yankees in 31 games, left town after going a miserable 1-for-11 with a walk. Over the last few years, Kendrick had become the biggest Yankee killer since Ortiz, and as a favor to the pure fastball hitter, the Yankees always made sure to give him a steady diet of middle-of-the-plate heaters.

Kendrick wasn’t the only Angel who consistently hurt the Yankees though; it was the entire lineup one through nine, the starting rotation and the bullpen. I grew to despise Chone Figgins, Garret Anderson and Vladimir Guerrero and was pessimistic about the Yankees facing John Lackey and Francisco Rodriguez. But all those players have left, leaving the Angels with a completely different cast of characters to try and keep the Halos as the best in the West.

There is no one on the Angels I fear the way I used to, and because of that, there is no one I have a strong dislike for on the team anymore. With the Angels looking like they will experience a decline in success, my animosity has turned to other players around the league that aren’t just Red Sox. Here is my All-Animosity Team in the majors:

Catcher: This is the only lineup in which Jason Varitek gets to start for, so I’m sure he would be happy to be a part of it. During Varitek’s freefall over the last couple of seasons, the fact that he was more of an automatic out than National League pitchers wasn’t an issue in Boston because Bostonians were made to believe that he could call a great game, and that was enough to offset his atrocious abilities at the plate. Now that he has been relegated to a job formerly held by Doug Mirabelli and Josh Bard, we will no longer have to see Varitek stand up behind the plate for a high fastball, or see his uniform with “C” on it with any frequency.

First base: Kevin Youkilis plays the game hard, and he is the textbook example for a guy you’d love on your team, but hate to see playing against your team. His entire look, demeanor, unorthodox batting stance and approach to the game is worth despising, and that’s before you factor in his .317 career average against the Yankees. Youkilis has taken over as the most feared hitter in the Red Sox lineup, becoming one of the toughest outs in baseball, and therefore my disgust with him has grown ten fold.

Second base: Everything about Dustin Pedroia’s game says that I should like him. His blue-collar style of play, knack for big hits and bigger defensive plays are the qualities anyone would want in a player on their favorite team. But he falls under the same category as Youkilis as a player you hate, but would love if they were on your team. Pedroia is the last person I want to see at the plate for the Red Sox in a big spot, and for that, he gets the nod at second base.

Third base: I could write an entire piece on the daggers Chone Figgins has dealt the Yankees in his career. Figgins had been the most important hitter to get out in the Angels lineup for opposing teams and allowing him to reach base meant stolen bases and runs scored. Without Figgins the Angels are a different team, and with him the Mariners are as well. The Yankees have yet to get a taste of Ichiro and Figgins hitting back-to-back, but I’m sure when they do it will include a lot of pitches, infield singles and stolen bases.

Shortstop: If Jose Reyes didn’t play for the Mets, I probably wouldn’t mind him, but he does, so I do. My dislike for Reyes began when Mets fans began the debate as to whether he was better than Derek Jeter, and they even believed they had sufficient evidence to support their case. But Mets fans will believe anything, including the idea that their one-man rotation can keep them in contention this season.

Left field: I didn’t even want to look up Manny Ramirez’s career numbers against the Yankees for a fear of flashbacks and cold sweats, but I know he is the right person for left field. Manny’s removal from the AL East was as relieving as Dom’s removal from Entourage, and his departure immediately destroyed the middle of the Red Sox lineup. Seeing Manny share a dugout and high fives with Joe Torre has only added to his career of torment for Yankees fans.

Center field: Vernon Wells’ demise since signing that albatross contract should be enough for me to forgive him for his clutch hits and web gems throughout his career against the Yankees. Wells appears to have found the talent that J.P. Ricciardi thought was worth giving $126 million, and the Yankees don’t see the Blue Jays until midsummer, but something tells me that Vernon will solidify his spot in this lineup at some point.

Right field: With 20 home runs and a .311 average against the Yankees, Magglio Ordonez and his floppy flow is an easy pick for right field on the All-Dislike Team. It was Magglio’s home run in Game 4 of the 2006 ALDS that got the ball rolling for the Tigers offense as they put an end to the ’06 Yankees. Now Magglio is hitting behind former Yankees prospect Austin Jackson and former Yankee Johnny Damon and ahead of Miguel Cabrera in the Tigers lineup. There will be plenty of more opportunities for me to increase my animosity for Magglio.

Starting pitcher: The 2003 World Series is plenty for any Yankees fan to forever hold a distaste for Josh Beckett. Then he went to the Red Sox and that just made everything worse. Even though I am not as worried about him on the mound as I am with Jon Lester or John Lackey, since the Yankees seem to hit him around (5.51 ERA in 18 starts), there is just something about Josh Beckett that makes me not a fan. I don’t think it’s the oddly uneven dirt patch on his chin, the 53 necklaces he wears during starts or the fact that he is always getting bailed out from taking a loss, but it’s something. I’m just not sure exactly what it is.

Closer: When The Departed came out, I liked the song “Shipping Up To Boston.” I even had downloaded it on iTunes. I haven’t played it since Jonathan Papelbon began using it as his entrance song, and after “Sweet Caroline,” it is the only other song that makes me cringe now. Papelbon’s stare and infield dance routine are bad enough, but him thinking he is somehow greater than or equal to Mariano Rivera only makes his personality less appealing. Papelbon hasn’t been as lights out as he was when he first took over as closer of the Red Sox and his fastball seems to have lost a step. I can only hope it loses all the steps.

Manager: For Joe Maddon it’s a combination of things. It’s his glasses, his “I’m 56 years old, but I manage a team of 20-somethings, so I’m going to act hip” attitude and his cockiness about the Tampa Bay Rays organization. Maddon is the creepy old guy that is a regular at popular colleges bars, and becomes a school wide icon and a fixture in the background of Facebook photos. It’s time he lost the Drew Carey glasses for some normal old-guy glasses and became more worried about the fact that he has only one lefty in his bullpen and it’s Randy Choate, and less worried about being hip and cool with his player.

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Rangers’ Postseason Bubble Bursts

Of course it came down to a shootout. And of course it was the play of Henrik Lundqvist that allowed the Rangers to even get that far. But in the end, the same problem the

Of course it came down to a shootout. And of course it was the play of Henrik Lundqvist that allowed the Rangers to even get that far. But in the end, the same problem the Rangers dealt with all season wound up ending their season in Game 82: scoring goals.

Sunday’s loss to the Flyers was a one-game summary of the Rangers’ season. The team’s inability to score goals, hold leads and produce any sort of attack in the offensive zone was masked by the play of Lundqvist. The Rangers had spent the last three weeks trying to make people believe they were a changed team, and a team that was capable of running the table and pulling off a first-round stunner in the playoffs. But when it mattered most, they were the same old Rangers, and if you didn’t see this ending coming, then you haven’t been paying attention.

I went back and read everything I have written about the team over the last couple of months, and if you took the word “Rangers” out of every story, you’d think each story was about a different team. The Rangers spent the last two months toying with the emotions of the tri-state area and they spent the last few weeks causing more side effects than some prescription drugs advertised during 4 a.m. infomercials.

After I proclaimed the Rangers finished on March 22, following their Sunday loss to the Bruins, the Rangers began the final stretch of 10 games in which they had a 6.9 percent chance of making the playoffs. Not even a 7-1-2 finish was enough for a team that started the season 7-1-1 and wrapped it up in nearly the same fashion. In the end, the Rangers were one goal and one point short of making the playoffs, and they built up the final weeks of the season for nothing.

On March 26, the day after the Rangers completed their improbable third-period comeback against the Devils (the game that would have been used as the turning point in the memorable run had they beaten the Flyers), I wrote the following:

“It would have been easier if the Rangers finished the season like the 2008 Yankees. In 2008, the Yankees folded pre-flop, saving themselves and their fans from emotional heartache and disaster. I’d rather the Rangers went away like the 2008 Yankees rather than the 2008 Mets, who lasted all the way until the river before coming up short. But it’s the Rangers we’re talking about, and being led on and strung along is in their DNA. In all likelihood, the season will come down to the final weekend against the Flyers.”

And it did come down the final weekend. It came down to the final game and the final attempt in a shootout loss. But the Rangers didn’t finish the season like 2008 Yankees or Mets. They finished it like the 2007 Phillies. That is, if the Phillies had lost on the final day of the season.

Part of me is glad the Rangers missed the postseason and staved off embarrassment in the first round. This team was not worthy of a second season, and they weren’t even worthy of having the final game of their season matter. In order to even have a win-or-go home scenario on the last day of the year, the Rangers had to win seven of nine, and have the Flyers basically do the opposite. Not exactly the traditional formula for success of playoff-caliber teams.

Sunday was a typical Rangers game. They managed only one goal, on a deflection, and hoped Henrik Lundqvist could stand on his head for 60 minutes. And if John Tortorella didn’t have Artem Anisimov and Brian Boyle (who was playing in his first game since the loss to the Bruins 21 days ago), killing a penalty in the third period of 1-0 must-win game, then I would be writing about the magical March and April of the 2009-10 Rangers rather than the devastating tease they turned out to be. But that special teams decision is on the great John Tortorella.

Many people are upset that the Rangers’ season ended in a shootout. But for anyone that watched Sunday’s game, a shootout was the only chance the Rangers had at leaving Philadelphia with two points. The shot differential (22) was almost greater than the Rangers total shots (25). The Rangers looked miserable on their only two power plays, and they were unable to produce any forecheck during even strength. They didn’t have a legitimate scoring chance in the third period and the only time Marian Gaborik’s name was mentioned by the commentators was when he went offside on a potential odd-man rush. In other words, the shootout was a gift for the Rangers and they couldn’t even take advantage of that.

No one should be mad that the Rangers’ season came to an end in a shootout. If Henrik Lundqvist makes one more stop and Olli Jokinen doesn’t try to slide the puck threw a closed five-hole, then Rangers fans would be praising the shootout. More importantly, if the shootout doesn’t exist, then the Rangers season would have ended anyways. Under the old NHL rules, the game would have ended in a tie with both teams receiving a point, and the Flyers would have still gotten in. So let’s be thankful that the Rangers managed to even get that far.

I always say if Henrik Lundqvist were on the Capitals or Penguins, there would be no point of a postseason because whichever team had Hank would be unstoppable. If Lundqvist weren’t on the Rangers, they would be a last place team and that is not an opinion or assumption. That is a fact. Lundqvist has been the MVP of the team each season post-lockout and with the amount of effort he exerts each game, his career will probably burn out well before it’s supposed to. He hasn’t had the luxury of sitting behind an elite defense like cross-town rival Martin Brodeur, or the luxury of hiding behind an elite offense like Marc-Andre Fleury. Lundqvist was once again the best player on a bad team, a team in which saving 46 of 47 shots isn’t even enough to win.

The Rangers might have technically finished one point out of the playoffs, but they finished well short of the point total needed to be a threat in the postseason. One point would have gotten them an extra four games against the Capitals. Another 10-plus points would have made them an actual a contender. Despite having an elite goalie in Lundqvist and a superstar scorer in Gaborik, two vital tools for true contenders, the drop-off in talent after those two was too drastic for the Blueshirts to overcome.

Barring a miracle greater than what the Rangers were trying to accomplish Sunday, Glen Sather will return to the front office next season. He is probably already at a poolside bar in Hawaii enjoying the offseason and working the phones to see what aging veterans from the 1998-99 All-Star team are available, but in reality he needs to find a way to compliment Lundqvist and Gaborik. It is obvious that not even Lundqvist can survive without support in front of him and the necessary help on defense. As for Gaborik, he finished the season leading the Rangers in goals with 42 and assists with 44. If he had an actual playmaker on his side rather than the 58 points and 38 assists of Vinny Prospal (who shouldn’t be any team’s second-best scorer at this point in his career), it’s hard to fathom what type of numbers Gaborik is capable of putting up.

Rangers fans deserve better than what Sather has to offer. They deserve more than Sather’s big midseason acquisition Olli Jokinen ending the season. They deserve a team they can be proud and a team that can clinch a playoff berth without needing an overtime period and shootout in Game 82 of the season.

All I asked for was the Rangers to make the final weekend against the Flyers to matter, and I got my wish. I should have asked for more.

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A Yankee Fan at Fenway, Part II

In 2003, Pedro Martinez allowed just two extra-base hits off 0-and-2 counts prior to Game 7 of the ALCS. But when Hideki Matsui doubled off Martinez on 0-and-2 in the famous eighth-inning comeback, he became

In 2003, Pedro Martinez allowed just two extra-base hits off 0-and-2 counts prior to Game 7 of the ALCS. But when Hideki Matsui doubled off Martinez on 0-and-2 in the famous eighth-inning comeback, he became the second hitter in three at-bats to hit an extra-base hit off Martinez with Derek Jeter having doubled on 0-and-2 pitch to lead off the inning.

I had never seen, in person, the Yankees win consecutive games in the same series at Fenway Park. One win was hard enough to come by, but the second win in a row had been my 0-and-2 against Pedro. That is no longer the case as the Yankees took down the second and third games of the opening series to ride a two-game winning streak into Tampa Bay this weekend. Let’s just hope they can continue their winning ways without me on hand.

Aside from the “Yankees suck” chants and the “You did steroids” chant directed at A-Rod which is ironic coming from a fan base whose team has David Ortiz, Adrian Beltre and Mike Cameron on the roster, it was a rather smooth two nights at Fenway Park. I probably could have done without a soggy Fenway Frank bun that looked like it was dipped in water and prepared for Joey Chestnut or Kobayashi, but you can’t have it all, and I will gladly take the two Yankees wins over a dry hotdog bun.

Judging by the atmosphere at Fenway, the rivalry hasn’t lost a step in Boston and with the Yankees fresh off the 2009 championship, the rivalry has gained steamed as Bostonians returned to second-rate citizens in the AL East. While the rivalry continues to have a strong foundation and key players that help fuel the hatred between Yankees fans and Red Sox fans, one player is being left behind as the battle for AL East supremacy carries on.

In left center at Fenway Park, there is a scoreboard screen that lists the lineup of the team batting and an asterisk denotes the hitter currently at the plate. During Game 5 of the 2004 ALCS, I remember looking at the screen in extra innings and trying to figure out how long the Yankees had until the asterisk made its way back to the heart of the order to Ramirez and Ortiz. And when the duo was due up in the bottom of an inning, I kept thinking to myself, “The Yankees have to score now.” Sure enough, it was Ortiz who had the game-winning hit off Esteban Loaiza in the 14th inning.

I now find myself hoping the asterisk finds Ortiz as quickly as possible because with Jason Varitek on the bench, Ortiz has become the easiest out in the Red Sox lineup.

There was a time when David Ortiz was the symbol of fear for Yankees fans. Extra-base hits were expected from him and when he was held to only a single, you felt like you just passed a cop going 80 mph but didn’t get pulled over. Ortiz wasn’t fazed by anything in the box (mainly because the Yankees never tried to move him off the plate) and he just waited for Yankees pitchers to miss their location by a centimeter before making them pay.

From 2003-July 31, 2008, David Ortiz was a rock star in Boston, and probably could have defeated Ted Kennedy for a seat in the Senate if he wanted to. He received the loudest ovations when he was introduced as the hitter, his jersey was the most popular among Red Sox fans and kids across New England began spitting on their batting gloves in between pitches to mimic the slugger Theo Epstein revived off the Twins’scrap heap. But since Manny Ramirez left Boston, the cheers for “the designated hitter, number 34, David Ortiz” have become almost derisive, Dustin Pedroia and Kevin Youkilis have taken over the jersey sales, and I’d imagine little league coaches are strongly advising against Ortiz’s routine and habits at this point.

Since August 1, 2008 (when Ortiz began playing without Manny), Ortiz has hit .261 with 37 home runs and 142 RBIs in 202 games. It has taken him basically a season and a third to produce the same power numbers he did annually from 2004-2007, and those years he hit .301, .300, .287 and .332. He wasn’t hitting .261, which is 20 points below his .281 career average.

On Tuesday night after David Ortiz went hitless again, he wasn’t the happy and smiling face from his days as one of the league’s best sluggers when he flipped out on reporters.

“You guys wait ’til [expletive] happens, then you can talk [expletive]. Two [expletive] games, and already you [expletives] are going crazy.

“What’s up with that, man? [Expletive]. [Expletive] 160 games left. That’s a [expletive]. One of you [expletives] got to go ahead and hit for me.”

As my Red Sox friend Hurley pointed out, everyone always assumed that Ortiz played babysitter to Manny in Boston, but maybe it was the other way around?

I have long waited for the day David Ortiz was no longer able to hit a baseball consistently or with authority, but now that the day has come, it’s actually pretty sad. Don’t get me wrong, the only thing I hate about Fenway Park more than “Sweet Caroline,” which is also the only time I wish my name wasn’t Neil, are the “Papi” chants that pollute the air when David Ortiz steps in with runners in scoring position. But David Ortiz has been the heart of the Red Sox order for so long and is one of the few remaining players on the Red Sox from the heated battles of 2003 and 2004 that it’s almost like a piece of the rivalry dies as his power does too.

Ortiz drove in the only run for the Red Sox on Wednesday, but it was his only hit of the series in 11 at-bats. When the “Papi” chants began in the bottom of the eighth inning on Wednesday in a 1-1 game with Ortiz stepping in to face Chan Ho Park, for a second it felt like three years ago as the Fenway crowd tried to push the calendar back to 2007 hoping for some late-game heroics from Ortiz. But Ortiz’s alter ego “Big Papi” no longer exists, as Chan Ho Park needed just three pitches to strike out plain old David Ortiz and end the inning.

At some point in the very near future (I have the over/under set for May 1), David Ortiz won’t be the full-time DH for the Red Sox. At some point Theo Epstein and Terry Francona are going to have to let Mike Lowell play.

Maybe Mike Lowell hit on Terry Francona’s wife at the Christmas party or ran over Theo Epstein’s dog for them to treat him so poorly, but eventually they are going to have to realize that they are wasting $12 million on the bench while David Ortiz wastes at-bats. I love the mistreatment of Lowell that goes on with the Red Sox because it means less doubles off the Green Monster for the Red Sox and more strikeouts for the Yankees. But you’d have to think eventually enough will be enough.

This is the last year of Ortiz’s contract with the Red Sox with the team holding a $12.5 million option for 2011 that is unlikely to get picked up. As new faces Curtis Granderson, Randy Winn, Adrian Beltre, Mike Cameron, Marco Scutaro and John Lackey enter the rivalry to begin another chapter in Yankees-Red Sox history, the chapter on David Ortiz looks to be coming to an end. And even though he will take a piece of the rivalry with him, it’s safe to say he won’t be missed.

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A Yankee Fan at Fenway

This column was originally posted on April 7, 2010. When I got off the Amtrak regional train at Back Bay station in Boston, the first person to make eye contact with me was a man

Alex Rodriguez

This column was originally posted on April 7, 2010.

When I got off the Amtrak regional train at Back Bay station in Boston, the first person to make eye contact with me was a man wearing a Dustin Pedroia shirt, and he obviously noticed my Yankees hat. He mouthed something to me, but with Eddie Vedder hammering out the chorus to “Corduroy” on my iPod headphones I couldn’t hear what he said, though judging by his enthusiasm and facial expression, it wasn’t something the FCC would approve of. But I didn’t care what he said. I was actually happy he was so agitated by me wearing a Yankees hat because it was a sign that baseball is back.

You can wear Yankees apparel 365 days a year in Boston and for 356 of those days, people will either look at you like you are walking down the street naked, or the real rebels will crack a joke or give you the old “Yankees suck.” But for those nine days of the year when the Yankees are in Boston, wearing a Yankees hat in Boston is like eating at Boston’s South Street Diner sober. You just don’t do it.

After Joe Girardi ruined Easter by holding bullpen tryouts on Opening Night rather than spring training, I couldn’t wait to get to Fenway Park. Even with the Yankees well below .500 in games I attend at Fenway, I was eager for my first game of the season.

Seeing the Yankees win in person at Fenway Park isn’t something I have been fortunate to see a lot. The majority of Yankees games I attend at Fenway end catastrophically and I’m pretty sure I have been to every game at Fenway that NESN uses for Red Sox Classics telecasts. Even with the Yankees having a remarkable record in home games I attend (including a perfect regular season and postseason record in 2009), Fenway Park has been to me what lefties have been to Curtis Granderson. I don’t know how many times I have seen the Yankees play at Fenway, but to give you an idea of what I have endured, here are some of the games I have attended:

May 18, 1999 – Joe Torre returns to the Yankees after missing the beginning of the season to battle prostate cancer. David Cone and Pedro Martinez go toe-to-toe, but trailing 3-2 late, Jason Grimsley can’t keep it close as he gives up three runs in the bottom of the eighth.

Oct 18, 2004 – Game 5 of the 2004 ALCS, which also happens to be the third-worst night of my life. The second being Game 6 and the first being Game 7.

April 14, 2005 – Randy Johnson gets lit up for five runs and Tom Gordon turns a 5-5 tie into an 8-5 loss with an embarrassing eighth inning. And to top it all off, Gary Sheffield brawls with some fans in right field.

May 1, 2006 – Johnny Damon returns to Boston as Friendly Fenway’s center field gets littered with money. Tied 3-3 in the eighth, Tanyon Sturtze gives up the go-ahead run. With two men on and David Ortiz due up, Joe Torre calls for the Mike Myers, the lefty specialist and the man the Yankees acquired for the sole purpose of facing Ortiz. Ortiz cranks a three-run home run into the New England night.

April 22, 2007 – After losing the first two games of the series, the Yankees take a 3-0 lead in the rubber match on Sunday Night Baseball. But after holding the Red Sox scoreless for the first two innings, rookie Chase Wright allows Manny Ramirez, J.D. Drew, Mike Lowell and Jason Varitek to go back-to-back-to-back-to-back on him to take a 4-3 lead. The Yankees would take the lead back in the sixth only to have Scott Proctor give up a three-run home run to Lowell in the seventh.

April 24, 2009 – The Yankees lead 4-2 in the ninth with two outs and Mariano Rivera on the mound and Kevin Youkilis on first base. Jason Bay hits a 1-0 pitch over the wall in center to tie the game. In the 11th, Damaso Marte gives up a home run to Youkilis that landed just yesterday.

April 26, 2009 – Hoping to salvage the final game of the series, Andy Pettitte falls apart in the fifth. Tied 1-1, Pettitte wakes David Ortiz up by allowing Ortiz to double home the go-ahead run. With Jacoby Ellsbury on third and Ortiz on second following the double, Ellsbury steals home on Pettitte and Jorge Posada and steals Pettitte’s pride, dignity and self esteem in the process.

So when Marco Scutaro doubled off Mariano Rivera in the ninth inning on Tuesday, it only made sense that I texted Hurley, my Red Sox friend, “Any more hits or base runners and I’m out of here.” But Mariano escaped the double unscathed and the Yankees got into the win column for the first time in 2010. It was a good night at Fenway and the win extended my personal Fenway winning streak to two (a career high).

It only took the Yankees until their second try to defeat the Red Sox this season and there is always sense of relief knowing that the Yankees are going to leave an early season series at Fenway with at least one win. Here are three things that I took away from Tuesday, and the Yankees’ first W of the season:

1. Watching A.J. Burnett pitch is harder to watch than the scene in Casino where Nicky Santoro (Joe Pesci) and his brother Dominick are beaten within an inch of their lives by baseball bats and then buried alive. Sure it’s only one start, but it’s not like we didn’t also see this last year. Burnett is either going to come within reach of a no-no or have a start that includes that one letdown inning. On Tuesday, he had the latter and the letdown inning was the fifth. It is good to see that he isn’t complaining about Jorge Posada catching him and the two seem to be working out whatever problems they had a year ago.

2. On Sunday we saw Starter Joba disguised as a reliever. On Tuesday we saw Reliever Joba, and it felt good to have him back. Joba stranded the potential tying run at second base in the eighth inning, and did it with his fastball, slider and the attitude that disappeared following his first start in 2008. Just 48 hours after Chan Ho Park had the worst Opening Day debut in Yankees history, Joba fixed the bridge to Mariano by taking care of business and ending his night with a fist pump that probably made Goose Gossage cringe. But as long as 2007 Joba is on the mound, I don’t care if he fist pumps or Riverdances as long as he puts up zeroes.

3. I was waiting for the few notes of “Billie Jean” to come across the Fenway PA system when Robinson Cano hit his solo home run on Tuesday, as he swung, made contact and dropped his bat like it was on fire all in one smooth, flawless motion before gliding out of the box. Cano has looked really comfortable batting in the fifth spot and even though his home run was a solo shot, his approach with runners on also looks to have improved. Cano’s approach in RBI situations used to be to swing at the first pitch no matter where it was, but it looks like he is growing out of his bad habits and undisciplined hitting. I feel more confident with him up in big spots and believe that he will be able to hold on to his spot in the order over the course of the season.

Despite Burnett’s inability to consistently throw strikes and Damaso Marte’s pickoff move, it was an overall solid night from the Yankees. But knowing that Chan Ho Park is currently the difference between having already won the three-game series and needing to win the rubber game on Wednesday to win the series is upsetting. Winning April and May series at Fenway for the Yankees is unheard of, but on Wednesday they have a chance to do just that.

As I left Fenway Park on Tuesday and walked down Yawkey Way across Van Ness Street and over to Boylston Street, a man playing “Take Me Out To The Ball Game” on the flute stopped playing midsong to greet me with a profanity-filled tirade.

Baseball is back.

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Opening Day Butterflies

The Yankees will no longer be world champions on Sunday night They will be defending world champions. And the only thing harder than winning a championship is winning back-to-back championships.

This column was originally published on WFAN.com on March 31, 2010.

Something about this spring training coming to an end just doesn’t feel right. This spring has that feeling you get when you leave your house and feel like you forgot something, but you convince yourself you didn’t, and then when you are too far away from your house to go back, you remember what you forgot. I have figured out what has been missing from this spring training, and it’s the distress of the last eight springs.

From 2001-2008, no matter what situation the Yankees faced, I believed they would prevail in the end. But that was me being spoiled and stupid as a Yankees fan, trying to hold onto the magic from 1996-2000. Up until Luis Gonzalez fought off a cutter into shallow right field, I honestly thought the Yankees would never lose again. Winning had become routine and losing wasn’t even considered an option anymore. It’s hard for anyone who is not a Yankees fan to understand this, and trying to explain the concept to non-Yankees fans is like Ron Washington trying to explain to the Rangers front office why he failed a drug test. However, it wasn’t until they hit rock bottom in 2004 that I was able to admit that I was unsure of the next time the Yankees would be world champions.

In 2004, I didn’t even care that the Red Sox won Game 4 because I knew the series would end in Game 5. But when I left Fenway devastated after having wasted nearly all my spending money for the semester on a ticket to Game 5 with my friend Jim, thinking we were going to see the Yankees clinch the pennant in Boston, I still believed the Yankees would finish the Red Sox off in Game 6. And if not, they would certainly get the job done in Game 7.

The Yankees failed in every imaginable way from 2001-2008, and with each year removed from 2000, the offseasons lasted longer and the anxiety for another title grew larger. The Yankees slowly evolved into what the Patriots have become in the NFL, and it wasn’t until November that they were able to rid themselves of their fading image.

Every spring for the last eight springs, I spent an inordinate amount of time trying to figure out where the holes on the team were and how Brian Cashman could fill them in order to bring the team back to glory. But this season, there are virtually no holes. The No. 4 starter had a 2.87 ERA in the National League in 2009, and the No. 7 hitter hit 30 home runs a year ago. The only thing to complain about right now is why the Yankees are opening and closing the season in Fenway Park. Aside from that, the team has an answer for everything, or at least it appears that way.

There might not be much to worry about with this team, but there is always something to worry about with every team. Any fan who is completely content with their team is lying to you and lying to themselves. To me, there are two crucial components to the success of the 2010 Yankees. While I’m not all that worried about them, there is still a cause for concern since the margin for error in the AL East is zero, and the difference between these two things working out and not working out is the difference between championship No. 28 and a third-place finish.

1. The production from 2, 20 and 42
The same way I don’t want to believe that Eric Taylor of Friday Night Lights isn’t really a high school football coach at East Dillon, I don’t want to believe that Derek Jeter, Jorge Posada and Mariano Rivera will one day be bad at baseball.

Jeter is going to be 36 in June, Jorge will be 39 in August and Mariano turned 40 in November. At some point these three won’t be the same players they are going to be remembered as being. Let’s hope that never happens, but more importantly, let’s hope it doesn’t happen this year.

The Yankees are in a position in which the success of these three will likely dictate the success of the team. Since 1996, the team has made the playoffs in 13 of a possible 14 seasons. The only season they didn’t was the year when Posada appeared in only 51 games. When they are healthy the Yankees win, and it’s as simple as that.

Eventually Father Time is going to catch up with the trio, but their demise has been falsely predicted each season for the last few seasons. This year, many analysts and “experts” are jumping on the bandwagons of the Red Sox and Rays, banking on old age finally catching up with the old guard. But the “experts” have been wrong before and will likely be wrong again.

I don’t think we are at the end of the road with these three, but eventually we will be and no one knows for sure when that will be. Not only does that deeply sadden me, but it also scares me since a decline in production from Jeter, Posada and Rivera will mean the end of an era and a year without postseason baseball.

2. The bridge to Mariano
The first time I saw Joba Chamberlain fail in person was May 6, 2008. Aside from the midges in Cleveland, it was the first time Joba had every failed in the majors. Joba allowed a go-ahead three-run home run to David Dellucci at the Stadium, and then leaned over on the mound in disbelief, appearing as though he was going to throw up on his spikes after what happened. The entire stadium felt the same way. Joba had been untouchable in his career up to that point, and seeing him blow a lead was like seeing Brian Bruney hold a lead.

In 2007, the only run he allowed in the regular season was a solo home run to Mike Lowell. When Ron Guidry went to the mound to check on him following the homer, Joba reversed roles with the pitching coach. Joba patted the Gator on the back and sent him back to the dugout, assuring him that he was fine and that it wouldn’t happen again. That was the personality of Joba Chamberlain before he became a starter and before the Joba Rules were created.

Joba wants to be a starting pitcher, and he has made that very clear. Why wouldn’t he want to? That is where the glory and glamour is, and the big money as well. But will knowing that he lost his starting spot after the team tinkered with his career and arm for a year and a half cause him to be a different reliever than we know him to be? Will he still possess the personality that meant a 1-2-3 inning and an emotional outburst?

When Joba returned to the bullpen during the postseason, the aura from 2007 and the beginning of 2008 was back, and so was his fastball. It was like watching the guy get the girl at the end of a movie. Everything was the way it was supposed to be, and the result was a happy ending in the form of a championship.

The world now knows two Jobas: Reliever Joba and Starter Joba. Joba might be a reliever now, but that doesn’t necessarily make him Reliever Joba. No one knows what to expect from him as he returns to his original role with the team.

This offseason seemed to go by a lot faster than years past, which is partially due to the Yankees playing until Nov. 4 and partially due to not longing for another championship. Eight springs as the hunter and not as the hunted have made me value championships more than I did the last time the Yankees won, when I took the Subway Series win for granted.

Fans of the other 29 teams will credit the 2009 World Series to the Yankees spending $429 million last offseason, but that was just part of the process. The thousands of breaks, the vast amount of luck and the tens of injuries the team dodged made up for more than half of the pieces to the 2009 World Series puzzle.

If CC Sabathia had actually been hurt when he left in the second inning of a game against the Marlins on June 21, the new Yankee Stadium would have opened the same way the old one closed. If Phil Cuzzi doesn’t call Joe Mauer’s ground-rule double foul in Game 2 of the ALDS, and if Mike Scioscia intentionally walks A-Rod in the bottom of the ninth in Game 2 of the ALCS, maybe the Canyon of Heroes goes unused for another fall.

I have tried to cherish the 2009 season as much and as long as possible because after Josh Beckett delivers his first pitch to Derek Jeter on Sunday night, the Yankees will no longer be world champions. They will be defending world champions. And the only thing harder than winning a championship is winning back-to-back championships.

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Hope Remains With Rangers

I feel like Andy Dufresne using the meaning of hope to tell Red of his plans to escape Shawshank Prison. Except I’m not trying to escape Shawshank Prison, I’m trying to escape the 2009-10 Rangers.

I feel like Andy Dufresne using the meaning of hope to tell Red of his plans to escape Shawshank Prison. Except I’m not trying to escape Shawshank Prison, I’m trying to escape the 2009-10 Rangers.

On Thursday night with under a minute left, Mike Sullivan drew up a play for the Rangers’ offensive-zone faceoff. The play ended with Erik Christensen giving a no-look pass to Chris Drury, who banged it home with 16.5 seconds left. John Tortorella celebrated like he just won a Showcase Showdown, and the Rangers went on to earn two points that they had to have.

The Rangers have made it hard to give up on them, and at the same time, they have made it equally hard to believe in them. They have let their playoff chances dwindle down to basically needing to run the table over the final weeks of the season. But whenever it comes time to pull the plug on them, they go out and win and prevent their magic number from completing its inevitable freefall.

The Rangers’ playoff push would have ended long ago if the Flyers or Bruins wanted it to. Instead, the Rangers’ main competition has slipped up as much as the Blueshirts themselves, and the Ranges are still breathing with eight games left. Barely breathing, but breathing nonetheless.

But like Red told Andy, “Hope is a dangerous thing. Hope can drive a man insane.”

It was just three months ago that the New York Giants gave hope to their fans before pulling the rug out from underneath them. It was the Giants who made sure their playoff hopes lasted until the final weeks of the season before the Eagles and Panthers pounded them into submission. Now it’s the Rangers going down that same path. And the thought of coming close again just to fall at the last second is scarier than the look Frank Martin used to stare down his Kansas State players during overtime on Thursday night.

Was I surprised when the Rangers tied the game? No, because I have learned to expect the unexpected with this team. No lead is safe and no deficit is insurmountable. The Rangers have become as predictable as the weather forecast 23 days from now, and the only person crazier than someone who expects consistency out of this team is a person who bets on this team.

Every goal against the Rangers this season has seemed like three and every goal for has seemed like the only one they will score in the game. It’s not exactly the healthiest way to watch a team, but I continue to do so, thinking that just maybe they can win out or come close to winning out, and sneak into the playoffs. And the best-case scenario if this hope turns into reality? A meeting with Ovechkin and the Capitals in the first round of the playoffs. Not exactly the type of dream someone should be hoping for.

But here we are, eight games and 16 days away from the end of the season, and the Rangers have instilled the same hope the Giants instilled at the end of December. Mathematically, there is a chance the Rangers can make the postseason, but even if they take care of their own business, they will still need help from other sources, and in the end, winning their own games might not be enough.

It would have been easier if the Rangers finished the season like the 2008 Yankees. In 2008, the Yankees folded pre-flop, saving themselves and their fans from emotional heartache and disaster. I’d rather the Rangers went away like the 2008 Yankees rather than the 2008 Mets, who lasted all the way until the river before coming up short. But it’s the Rangers we’re talking about, and being led on and strung along is in their DNA. In all likelihood, the season will come down to the final weekend against the Flyers.

None of this would be possible without the play of Henrik Lundqvist, who has to be tired of being a Ranger, or at least tired of being a Ranger with this group of Rangers. Even with the Rangers defense letting the Devils play “rebound” against Lundqvist in the third period, King Henrik stopped breakaway after breakaway and a handful of odd-man rushes to keep the game from turning into a blowout.

Lundqvist might be the best-kept secret in the NHL. That might sound ridiculous considering he plays in New York on the biggest stage in the sports world, but he certainly isn’t recognized with the credit he deserves. Those who have the luxury of watching Lundqvist on a nightly basis understand just how good he is and how valuable he is to the Rangers. Casual hockey fans, on the other hand, might not know because no one on the Rangers is going to be winning the Vezina or Hart Trophy anytime soon. Those awards are saved for players on winning teams.

Without Lundqvist, the Rangers are a last-place team playing for the No. 1 pick in the 2010 draft rather than playing for a playoff berth. Put Lundqvist on the Red Wings last year and they win the Cup, not the Penguins. Put him on the Capitals this season and maybe Washington has five losses. With Henrik, the Rangers are on the postseason bubble – a place that has become their second home after MSG. Without him, MSG is home to two miserable franchises, not just one.

The reason to still believe in the Rangers is simple: playoff hockey. Postseason play has a way of making optimists out of pessimists. It’s enough to make someone believe that a 33-32-9 team can run the table over the final weeks of the season. It’s enough to not only make the idea of making the playoffs seem reasonable, but also the idea that the Rangers could get hot, ride a hot goalie in Lundqvist into the first round, and possibly even make it out of the first round. Thinking that the Rangers are capable of making the playoffs is insane enough. Thinking they might be able to do something if they get in is really just stupid. But hope will make people do stupid things, like think the Rangers can survive the Capitals in a seven-game series.

“Remember Red, hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies.”

As long as the Rangers stay alive, there is hope that their season will last longer than 82 games.

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A Face-Lift for the NHL Playoffs

The odds of filling out a perfect NCAA bracket are 9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 1. I’d like to think the odds of not getting a shot on goal during a four-minute power play are close to the

The odds of filling out a perfect NCAA bracket are 9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 1. I’d like to think the odds of not getting a shot on goal during a four-minute power play are close to the same. But that’s what happened on Sunday when Marian Gaborik got high-sticked by Zdeno Chara, and the Rangers wasted a double minor against the Bruins in a must-win game.

The Rangers’ season came to an end on Sunday, three weeks before their last game is scheduled. Now sitting five points behind the Bruins for eighth place, and four points behind the Thrashers for ninth, only three points separate the Rangers and the lowly Islanders. A 3-5-2 record since the Olympic break has the Rangers closer to being the worst of three teams in the tri-state area than being in the postseason right now. However, after watching them fail on six power-play opportunities and once again leave Henrik Lundqvist out to dry, last place is where they belong.

There is nothing more depressing than watching regular season games that have no meaning. And with the Rangers ending their season on Sunday, the Knicks having ended their season in November and my NCAA bracket being destroyed by Kansas, it’s going to be a long 13 days until the Yankees and Red Sox meet at Fenway Park on Easter Sunday.

Maybe the Rangers not making the playoffs was actually a good thing. For one, it clearly shows Glen Sather that the team needs change (though he likely won’t make the necessary changes), and it probably would have just been depressing to watch the Capitals sweep the Rangers in four straight.

Even though a glimmer of hope still remains for the Rangers’ chances to make the postseason, they don’t deserve to – at least not under the current playoff format. But the current playoff format has a place for teams that finish .500 or barely better. And in the Eastern Conference, there are multiple spots in the postseason for teams in that category.

The NHL currently lets 53% of its teams into the postseason – tied with the NBA for the most playoff teams among the major sports. And the only reward for the top teams in the NHL is home-ice advantage for Games 1, 2, 5 and 7. Maybe home-ice is enough of an incentive for teams to finish at the top of their conference in the regular season, but in the era of cookie-cutter arenas, the idea of home-ice advantage ended when the lights went out on places like the Boston Garden, Montreal Forum and Maple Leaf Gardens. Home-ice advantages today are few and far between, and it’s hard to understand how “home ice” could be enough of a reward for a team that played better than .700 hockey for more than six months.

Sure, it would already be a daunting task for the currently eighth-seeded Bruins to take down the top-seeded Capitals in a best-of-seven, it’s not improbable. It’s not as improbable as it should be, and if Tim Thomas or Tuukka Rask were to get hot for a few days in April, the Capitals could be joining the Rangers at Alpine Country Club before the first of May.

It might be hard for the Bruins to eliminate the Capitals in the first round of the playoffs, like it would be for any eighth seed to upend a first seed, but it should be a lot harder. There needs to be more of an incentive for teams to finish at or near the top of their conference, and there should be as much punishment as there is reward for teams that find the second season via the back door.

Under the current playoff format, there are three seven-game series for each conference and then the Stanley Cup finals, which is also a seven-game series. The 1, 2, 3 and 4 seeds are granted home-ice advantage in the first round and then the matchups reseed in the second round to determine the home-ice advantage. Using the Eastern Conference, if the playoffs started today, the matchups would be:

1. Capitals vs. 8. Bruins

2. Penguins vs. 7. Canadiens

3. Sabres vs. 6. Flyers

4. Devils vs. 5. Senators

The 16-team format has been used since the 1993-94 season, and it is the only format I am old enough to remember, and therefore the only format I have really ever known. I am OK with 16 teams making the postseason in the NHL, but how you get those 16 teams is a different story.

I have always wondered how the top teams in the league could be better rewarded for their regular-season success, and maybe it’s the 100 or so hours of college basketball or the college hockey playoffs that has finally given me the answer I have been searching for, but I think have finally found the solution to fairly modify the NHL postseason.

In the new-and-improved postseason, 10 teams would last past Game 82. The top six teams would clinch playoff berths and the bottom four teams would play to decide the final two spots in the conference.

Here are the top 10 teams in the East right now:

1. Capitals
2. Penguins
3. Sabres
4. Devils
5. Senators
6. Flyers
7. Canadiens
8. Bruins
9. Thrashers
10. Rangers

The Capitals, Penguins, Sabres, Devils, Senators and Flyers would be in the playoffs. The Canadiens, Bruins Thrashers and Rangers would play to decide the seventh and eighth seeds in the postseason.

The last day of the NHL season this year is Sunday, April 11. Under the new format, on Monday, April 12, the Canadiens, Bruins, Thrashers and Rangers would begin two three-game series. The teams would be seeded for the mini series in the order that they finished the regular season and the matchups would be:

7. Canadiens vs. 10. Rangers

8. Bruins vs. 9. Thrashers

The higher seeds (Canadiens and Bruins) would host every game of the three-game series. The winners of each series would fill the seventh and eighth seeds in the postseason. Once the eight seeds are determined following the conclusion of the three-game series, the postseason would return to its current format of seven-games series.

Under this proposed format, you are forcing the bubble teams to play on consecutive days right after finishing the regular season, in which they would have likely already been playing with a mentally-draining postseason mentality. You are rewarding the seventh and eighth seeds by allowing them to host the entire three-game series, while also punishing them for an average regular season by making them win an additional series just to reach the real postseason.

This way, the higher seeds in the conference get a few days of rest before the two-plus month playoff grind begins, and the top two seeds in the conference get the luxury of hosting a team that spent the last few weeks of the regular season fighting to play in the postseason, and then had to fight some more in a three-game mini series just to reach the actual postseason. There would finally be a real incentive for teams to finish atop the conference.

Not only is this format good for the top two seeds in both conferences, it is also good for the league as a whole. It would give teams that wouldn’t have made the postseason otherwise an alternate but also laborious route in, even if they would wind up meeting a rested top seed in the first round. It would make more teams eligible down the stretch for the 7, 8, 9, and 10 seeds, creating excitement for franchises that would have likely been dormant over the final month of the season. It would give the NHL the excitement MLB gets from its small postseason field and rare one-game playoffs, the stimulation the NFL playoffs generate from a one-and-done format and the theatrics the NCAA Tournament produces from being “March Madness.”

The NHL would be able to generate revenue through the two additional series, and they would be able to sell it as the prelude to the postseason. There is no doubt that the short series could create the sort of drama needed to build a bigger audience for the game, and with the actual postseason taking place over April, May and June, only real hockey enthusiasts remain attracted to the playoffs the entire time. The short series could give the the casual fan a quick fix for playoff hockey, and it might be enough for those new and interested fans to stick around for the long haul.

There is no reason this format can’t be implemented by the NHL. It keeps the current format intact, while also making a fair and just postseason for the teams that deserve to be in the postseason. The postseason is the ultimate reward for the regular season’s elite. It isn’t meant for the average and below average, which is it what it is currently designed for.

Last week during the Bruins-Hurricanes game, Andy Brickley said that “points are at a premium at this time of the season for the Bruins” – a phrase that has always made me laugh. A win is still two points and an overtime or shootout loss is still one point. The points aren’t any more valuable or “premium” now. What he should have said was “points are imperative” or “scarce” at this time of the season because the Bruins waited until the final weeks of the season to play with urgency.

The same goes for the Rangers as they try to salvage what is left of their most disappointing season in the post-lockout era. If the Rangers had played with consistency at any point this year, they wouldn’t find themselves with their backs against the wall as the season winds down, and they run out of possible points and time.

Success down the stretch will result in the Bruins being rewarded with the eighth and final seed in the postseason. Success all season for the Capitals will give them the top seed in the Eastern Conference and home-ice advantage throughout the postseason. But one more home game in a possible seven-game series isn’t enough disparity between a team that played outstanding for six-plus months and one that played outstanding for one month. The Capitals and whichever team emerges as the best in West deserve more. They at least deserve the opportunity for a few extra days rest and the chance to play a tired and banged-up team that slipped in through the back door in the first round.

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Five Things from the First Round

March Madness is rarely ever madness. It’s usually more like March Mediocrity. For a tournament based around the upset, the impossible comeback, the feel-good story and the half-court buzzer-beater, it’s a tournament that is hardly

March Madness is rarely ever madness. It’s usually more like March Mediocrity. For a tournament based around the upset, the impossible comeback, the feel-good story and the half-court buzzer-beater, it’s a tournament that is hardly ever defined by these things.

Thursday was unlike any first-round day I can remember. It had everything you could ask for in a day of 16 games, and then some. If you needed to explain March Madness to someone who had never seen or heard of it, Thursday became the textbook example of how March Madness should look.

Eleven underdogs covered the spread and seven of them won their games outright. At 12:49 a.m., on Friday morning, just over 12 hours after BYU and Florida tipped off the day, the final buzzer sounded on New Mexico and Montana, ending Montana’s season and the first day at the same time. But even after watching college basketball for 12 straight hours on Thursday, it left me wishing there was a fifth round of games set to tip off in the 1:00 a.m. hour on Friday morning. Friday at noon just seemed like too long of a wait after Thursday’s results, even though it seemed unrealistic to think that the emotional swings of Day 1 could be replicated for a second straight day.

Friday would have been a good tournament day any year other than 2010. There were four upsets and seven underdogs covered, but compared to Thursday, it was a letdown. But when the first day of the tournament includes seven games decided by three points or less and three games that went to overtime with one going to double overtime, it makes it a tough act to follow.

The first 24 hours of tournament basketball lived up to the excitement that the first round makes possible. There were enough close scores and close calls to make you believe that this year might include a Christian Laettner, Lorenzo Charles or Tate George, and enough upsets occurred to make you believe that there might be a George Mason in this year’s bracket. Murray State gave the world some new footage for future buzzer-beater ads, and like Murray State, Ohio, Old Dominion and Cornell have given people reason to believe in Cinderella stories again.

I don’t care that my bracket looks like Omar Minaya and Jerry Manuel managed it. I’m just happy to see teams without last names on the back of their jerseys shooting lights out from behind the arc, and big-name schools with big-name players exiting the tournament every hour.

After two days of basketball and 24 hours of actual games, there has been a lot thrown at viewers. To this point, the tournament has been like a semester of work taught in a week, and I’m not even sure I have been able to process everything that has happened after one round of play. But here are five things the first round made me think about in what has truly been “madness:”

1. The Big East isn’t as good as advertised
The majority of regular season college basketball I watch is Big East basketball. Actually I would say 90 percent of any non-NCAA tournament college basketball I watch is Big East basketball. This is mainly because all of the local teams are from the conference and also because it is believed to have the most elite teams and the top talent in the country.

I pick my bracket every year with a Big East bias and always advance every Big East team to at least the second round. But after the first-round debacle, the Big East and I aren’t really on good terms.

It hurts me to say, but maybe the Big East just isn’t as good as it is cracked up to be. I mean you can’t lose of three of four on Day 1 and have losses to No. 11 Old Dominion, No. 11 Washington and No. 14 Ohio and a near loss to No. 15 Robert Morris and think your credibility will remain intact. And if you’re Rick Pitino and Louisville, how do you start a game down 22-4 to a Pac-10 team?

Three of the bigger names in the conference (Luke Harangody, Scottie Reynolds and Greg Monroe) all had forgettable performances. The trio did little to convince anyone on the national level that they are some of the most talented players in the country. And they also managed to make it possible for basketball enthusiasts to question who they are compiling their regular season stats against. If the Big East can’t win in the tournament, just how bad are the teams from the conference that didn’t make the tournament?

2. No need for 96 teams
If you thought that expanding the tournament to 96 teams was a good idea, then the first round should have changed your mind. In a down year for elite teams and true contenders, the upsets were aplenty and it is obvious the committee had a tough time seeding the teams that did qualify.

The addition of 32 more teams will just water down a talent pool that was already watered down this year. If the NCAA wants to take away the importance of the regular season and the conference tournaments, then a 96-team tournament is a great idea. But if they want to keep with tradition and make a decision that makes the most sense with finances aside, then keeping the tournament as it is would be the right choice.

But who am I kidding? In the end, the NCAA sees dollar signs for a bigger tournament as they get closer to negotiating a long-term deal for the TV rights. And the NCAA doesn’t care that the 2009-10 UConn Huskies would be in the NCAA Tournament under their new format, they just care about maximum profit. Whether or not that comes at the cost of talent or the postseason’s integrity is irrelevant.

3. Sloppy seeding
Everyone loves a good upset, but this year, upsets have become the norm. Seven underdogs won on Thursday and another four won on Friday with 18 underdogs covering the spread in the first 32 games. Maybe it goes back to the fact that there is a lack of elite teams this season, but aside form the No. 1-seed’s games, just about every game was entertaining all the way through.

Take Notre Dame for example. The Fighting Irish were a team that wasn’t even in the tournament just a couple of weeks ago and without Harangody playing a significant role down the stretch, it looked like they wouldn’t even make the bubble. But a decent finish for Notre Dame got them in the tournament and they were seeded as No. 6 team. Now maybe some people agree that that s a seed they deserved, but it just doesn’t make sense that a team that nearly missed making the tournament could be seeded in the top half of the teams. But Old Dominion ousted them early on the first day to start a trend throughout the first round.

7-seeds went 1-3 against 10-seeds, and 6-seeds went 2-2 against 11-seeds. There shouldn’t be that match equality between teams seeded that differently, and maybe all of the upsets that occurred weren’t upsets at all. Maybe they were just products of poor team evaluation by the committee.

4. Jimmer could be the next Stephen
There isn’t anyone who isn’t pulling for Jimmer Fredette and BYU (unless you have Kansas State advancing in your bracket). Fredette put on a show in the first round with his unorthodox layup style and his sharp shooting, as BYU knocked off Florida in double overtime.

Fredette seems to be this year’s player who has the chance to make himself a lot of money if he can keep BYU in the win column and advance to the Sweet 16. Like Stephen Curry did with Davidson a few years back, Fredette has a chance to turn himself into a household name and build some serious draft stock.

I have talked about Jimmer with every person I have talked to over the last two days about the tournament. For those that have seen him, we have talked about how badly we are pulling for him and BYU to make a long run in this thing. And for those that haven’t seen him, I have hyped him up so much that anything short of 30 points against Kansas State will probably be a disappointment for anyone that has listened to me. But watch Jimmer in the second round on Saturday and you will be happy you did. At least I hope you are.

5. A bad slate for Gus
It’s too bad viewers of the tournament didn’t get their first taste of Gus Johnson until Friday with all of the nail-biters and close games that took place on Thursday. And it’s even worse that he was stuck in Buffalo where the games were decided by 28, 8, 7 and 23 points.

The Vermont upset of Syracuse that, for some unknown reason, people seemed to believe would happen didn’t happen. Gus was held from creating new levels of bedlam with a true upset (Missouri over Clemson was a game of equals) in his region, and it was a shame that he was taken out of the games he broadcasted because of such lopsided scores. Hopefully Gus will be given a chance to give a call for the ages over the weekend. The tournament isn’t the same without him getting at least one impossible shot to fall.

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Rangers Running Out of Time

On Tuesday, there were several possibilities for how the bottom of the Eastern Conference standings would look at the end of the night. The Rangers were in a position to take over possession of the

On Tuesday, there were several possibilities for how the bottom of the Eastern Conference standings would look at the end of the night. The Rangers were in a position to take over possession of the eighth and final spot in the East (a k a the chance to lose to the Capitals in the first round), and also in a position to lose more ground on the Flyers, Canadiens and Bruins.

With Rangers-Canadiens, Bruins-Hurricanes, Flyers-Predators all on the same night, I envisioned the opportunity to start this story off by saying, “So you’re telling me there’s a chance?” Just six days after I questioned John Tortorella’s future with the team and compared his Rangers tenure with the men before him, he had a chance to erase the 1,598 words I used to question his job along with Glen Sather’s.

If the Rangers could take care of their own business and get some help from the Hurricanes and Predators, maybe Tortorella could have this team on a run to the playoffs that very few thought was possible. But all that talk of urgency the team spent preaching about during the week ended up just being talk.

On a night when the Rangers could have moved into eighth place and prevented the Canadiens from separating themselves from the pack even more, the Rangers put together one of their worst home performances of the season. But the four-point swing in the standings between the Rangers and Canadiens wasn’t the only bad news for the Blueshirts. It was just the tip of the iceberg.

After the Rangers were able to tie the game at 1, I flipped to the Bruins-Hurricanes game where Carolina had cut into the Boston’s lead and trailed just 2-1. Then I flipped to the Flyers-Predators where Nashville had a commanding 3-1 lead and a goal away from putting that game on ice. Things were quietly falling into place for the Rangers if they could score the next goal. But when the Canadiens took the lead against the Rangers on a garbage deflection of Artem Anisimov’s skate, everything began to fall apart at the same time across the league.

The Rangers lost, the Canadiens won, the Bruins won, the Flyers fought back to earn a point in a shootout loss and Game 70 of the Rangers’ season was used up. Maybe it wasn’t all bad. I guess the Flyers could have gotten two points instead of just one.

Here is what the standings looked like at 7 p.m. on Tuesday night:

6. Flyers, 76 pts
7. Canadiens, 76 pts
8. Bruins, 72 pts
9. Rangers, 71 pts

And here is what the bottom of the East looks like now:

6. Canadiens, 78 pts
7. Flyers, 77 pts
8. Bruins, 74 pts
9. Rangers, 71 pts

The Canadiens tried to give the Rangers the game on Tuesday and so did the refs with timely power-play opportunities handed to the Blueshirts, including man advantages at 11:20 and 19:05 of the third period. But the Rangers wanted no part of their power play, as they went 0-for-5 with the man advantage and recorded a total of two shots on the five chances.

The Rangers had to put a dent into their direct competition, but instead, they ran in place while their competition took off for the finish line. And while saying the right things might sound nice, it really doesn’t matter at this point. All that matters is getting two points at the end of the day, and for a team that talked about playing with a postseason mentality and a do-or-die mindset all week, they couldn’t have played with less desire against a team they are chasing.

“Every game is a Game Seven for us, no matter who we are playing,” Henrik Lundqvist said before Tuesday’s game. And Lundqvist is right. It’s just too bad he is the only one that plays like it. You could make a case for Sean Avery too after his last two games, but it took him nearly the entire season and a recent benching to wake up, and there aren’t enough games left for Tortorella to wake up the rest of the team by making examples of every player.

Lundqvist continues to stand on his head while his anemic offense tries to muster some shots and even sometimes a goal or two. He continues to play outstanding down the stretch, and is always there to field questions after the game whether the team wins or loses. He has yet to pull a Billy Wagner and throw his teammates under the bus for inconsistent play, but King Henrik is only human and at some point, you’d have to think that the last few years of carrying the team on his back will get to him.

No one expected the Rangers to run the table and climb to the top of the Eastern Conference standings, and it’s unfair to think that they will win every game over the final weeks of the season. But you’d like to think they would at least come to play at home against a team they are chasing. Then again, maybe it’s just wishful thinking asking for a team that is under .500 at home to start playing with a purpose in their own building with just four games remaining at MSG.

Is the Rangers’ season over? No. And wins over St. Louis on Thursday and Boston on Sunday will certainly enhance their playoff odds. But what have the Rangers done to make anyone believe in them down the stretch? With two wins in their last seven games and Sean Avery as their offense, the Rangers aren’t exactly deserving of a playoff berth, and maybe that’s for the better. Maybe finishing ninth instead of eighth will keep the Rangers from being dismantled by the Capitals in the first round and save the tri-state area further embarrassment from the Blueshirts.

Chris Drury referred to the Rangers’ losing ways as “immaturity” after being embarrassed by the Canadiens. “That’s what it’s been all year,” Drury said. “Simple answer.”

Hopefully the Rangers will respond to “immaturity” because they didn’t seem to understand “urgency” or “Game Seven” or “postseason mentality” or “do-or-die,” and there isn’t enough time left to try any other motivational phrases.

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