

BlogsOpening DayYankees

Tony Massarotti Shouldn’t Have Written About Alex Rodriguez

Everyone seems to be writing and talking about A-Rod with spring training starting and that includes Boston where Tony Massarotti voiced his ridiculous opinion.

Alex Rodriguez

Another day, another anti-Alex Rodriguez story. But unlike last week’s Mike Lupica column, this week we have a new perspective on the return of A-Rod and this one’s from Boston.

Tony Massarotti, former Boston sports columnist turned somewhat Boston sports columnist again and co-host (or sidekick) of the afternoon drive show on 98.5 The Sports Hub decided he would step into the box and take his best swing at A-Rod. If Lupica went down looking like Carlos Beltran in Game 7 of the 2006 NLCS then Massarotti went down like Travis Ishikawa’s two at-bat Yankees career: a strikeout on four pitches and a strikeout on three pitches.

So let’s look at Massarotti’s column and pick it apart the way he picked apart everything about A-Rod.

OK, let’s play word association. You say: Alex Rodriguez. I say: Pathetic has-been.

Should we go on?

You say: Tony Massaorotti. I say: Mike Felger’s fortunate “co-host”.

Should we go on?

Earth to the New York media: I recognize you need your spring training stories – been there, bro – but nobody cares about A-Rod anymore. Of course, maybe we should really be directing that message at Rodriguez himself.

If you ask me, he was cooked then.

I wouldn’t usually waste the time to pick apart someone or something that uses the line “Earth to (insert noun)” since fourth grade was a long time ago, but I will make an exception for Massarotti.

Massarotti has “been there, bro” as a former Red Sox beat writer turned columnist turned radio co-host (or really sidekick) and then turned somewhat columnist again.

No one cares about A-Rod? That’s funny coming from the man who just wrote a column about … wait for it … wait for it … wait for it … A-ROD! No one cares about A-Rod, but here’s a column on him! If writing about A-Rod himself isn’t good enough for Massarotti to realize people care about him then maybe he should also check out the New York Daily News or New York Post front and back covers archive for February or turn on a TV or use the Internet.

Nearly 18 months have passed since Rodriguez played in a major league game of any sort, and he has not played a postseason affair since 2012. That October, Rodriguez went 3-for-25 with 12 strikeouts during an American League Championship Series sweep at the hands of the Detroit Tigers that ultimately saw him land on the bench.

A-Rod was bad in the 2012 ALCS. Really, really, really bad. But guess who else was bad? The entire team.

Robinson Cano: 1-for-18 (.056) with three strikeouts

Mark Teixeira: 3-for-15 (.200) with one strikeout

Curtis Granderson: 0-for-11 (.000) with seven strikeouts

Nick Swisher: 3-for-12 (.250) with five strikeouts

Massarotti is probably right. A-Rod was probably cooked then. In 2013, he hit .244/.348/.423 in only 44 games due to injury and he missed all of last season. But when you owe someone $114 million, which is what the Yankees still owed A-Rod after 2012, you don’t just get rid of them and pay them to do nothing for you. You see if there is still something left in the tank because you’re paying for it.

True story: during his years with the Red Sox, former Boston catcher Jason Varitek all but scoffed anytime anyone asked him about “A-Rod.” Varitek would go so far as to interrupt someone in mid-sentence – “You mean Alex?” he would say in a correcting tone – because he found the man’s nickname as inflated as Rodriguez’ sense of self-worth. Fine, so Alex didn’t like Jason, either. The two famously brawled in 2004. But in many ways, Varitek spoke for an entire population of major league players who have always held Rodriguez in contempt for being, rather simply, the most selfish and self-centered egomaniac in an industry filled with them.

Jason Varitek didn’t like A-Rod?!?! Get out of here! How is this not breaking news on the ESPN ticker right now? (You know what is “Coming Up on SC” on ESPN right now? “A-Rod’s Return”. I guess no one cares about A-Rod anymore.)

That’s nice that Varitek found A-Rod’s nickname “inflated” considering A-Rod didn’t give himself that nickname. I wonder what Varitek thinks about his own nicknames of “Tek” and “V-Tek” and “Captain” or how he felt about wearing a “C” on his uniform? I wonder if Massarotti realizes that outside of Boston, no one liked Jason Varitek as much as no one likes A-Rod. Unless you like overrated career .256 hitters, who always wore a white towel over their head and neck in postgame media sessions like they had just gone 10 rounds at the MGM Grand and who were handpicked by their manager to play in the All-Star game in the middle of a .220/.313./.359 season.

Since Massarotti apparently shares Varitek’s same perspective on the nickname A-Rod and calls him “Alex” in his column as if they are buddies, I’m going to call Massarotti “Tony” for the rest of this column and pretend like we are buddies. And from now on if someone says “Massarotti” or “Mazz” I’m going to be sure to correct them. You mean Tony?

What many of us believe now, of course, is that Rodriguez is an especially wounded child beneath that composite exterior, which is really kind of sad. Rodriguez always had more ability than his chief contemporary, Derek Jeter. He just didn’t have the makeup.

Remember the other day when Mike Lupica said “most fans” while trying to speak as a fan on A-Rod? Well, here’s Tony saying “many of us” when talking about A-Rod. Is Tony saying the majority of people in his family or in Boston or in the country or in the world share his same perspective on A-Rod? That perspective is that A-Rod is an “especially wounded child” which is a little steep to say about the most famous baseball player in the world right now who is going to make $21 million this season (and another $6 million when he hits his sixth home run of the season). Tony says that’s “really kind of sad”. I would agree. Getting paid $21 million to play baseball when you have already made more than any other player in history is a sad way of living.

And no A-Rod story is complete without a Derek Jeter reference or comparison, so I’m glad to see the quota was reached.

For all the attention Rodriguez sought during his career, he routinely wilted under it. On the field and off, as it turns out. In assorted postseason series with the Yankees, Rodriguez batted .133, .071, .190, .111, .125 and .111. His career postseason batting average of .263 was noticeably lower than his career regular season number of .299, and it was worse if you eliminate the productive 2009 postseason in which A-Rod was not the focus.

A-Rod was really bad for the Yankees in the playoffs in all the years except for that one year when he had an historical postseason and carried them to a championship, but let’s forget about those numbers, they aren’t important.

That October, C.C. Sabathia and Mark Teixeira were the ones in New York’s crosshairs, and so Alex flourished.

If only Alex understood the irony. The less attention he got, the better he played.


What did Mark Teixeira hit in the 2009 ALDS against the Twins? .167

What did Mark Teixeira hit in the 2010 ALCS against the Angels? .222

What did Mark Teixeira hit in the 2010 World Series against the Phillies? .136

Whose crosshairs was he in exactly? It wasn’t the Red Sox’ since they were swept in the ALDS by the Angels.

Meanwhile, A-Rod hit .365 with six home runs and 18 RBIs in the 2009 postseason.

I guess there wasn’t “attention” on A-Rod when he hit a game-tying, two-run home run off of Joe Nathan in the ninth inning of Game 2 of the ALDS. I guess there wasn’t any “attention” on him when his solo home run increased a 1-0 lead as the Yankees went on to sweep the Twins. I guess there wasn’t any “attention” on him when he hit a game-tying home run off Brian Fuentes in the 11th inning of Game 2 of the 2009 ALCS. And I guess there wasn’t any “attention” on him when he hit a two-run home run off Cole Hamels with the Yankees trailing 3-0 in Game 3 of the 2009 World Series. “If only A-Rod understood the irony.”

To hear anyone try to say that Mark Teixeira was ever the most-feared Yankee is more ridiculous than anything else in this column or anything else that anyone has said about A-Rod. Teixeira has been a much bigger postseason disaster than A-Rod hitting .167, .222, .136, .308, .000 (0-for-14), .167, .353 and .200 in his eight postseason series with the Yankees. (Notice how I didn’t leave out Teixeira’s two good postseason series the way the way Tony left out A-Rod’s 2009 postseason just to make a point.) Teixeira is incredibly lucky that his first season with the Yankees happened to be the same year A-Rod single-handedly carried the team through the playoffs and to a championship because if he hadn’t and the Yankees still hadn’t won the World Series since 2000 then Teixeira would be equally as hated and ridiculed as A-Rod. He owes A-Rod his reputation in New York, which isn’t exactly great, but still is and always will be better than A-Rod’s.

Teixeira was never the “guy” in the 2009 playoffs. It was always A-Rod. Kind of like how Felger has always been the guy on afternoon drive on 98.5 The Sports Hub.

Let’s make something clear here: at his peak, with or without steroids, Rodriguez was a truly great, gifted player. At 22 years old, he authored one of the few 40-40 seasons in baseball history. Anyone who saw Rodriguez play in his youth recognized the breadth and depth of his talent, the personification of a true five-tool player. In the end, people like me will vote for Rodriguez for the Hall of Fame the same way we vote for Barry Bonds or Roger Clemens. Because he was great. At least during the regular season.

Let’s make something clear here: despite every negative thing I have said about A-Rod in this column, he was the best player on the planet at one point, so I should probably include that in my column. And oh yeah, I will vote for him for the Hall of Fame! There’s nothing like using the old Larry David/Jerry Seinfeld “Having said that” bit to prove your point.

Of course, just as it did with Bonds and Clemens, that all made the cheating – alleged or otherwise – all the more needless. High risk, low reward. According to baseball-reference.com, Rodriguez already has earned in excess of $356 million in salary during his career, which is a pile of dough. But he got greedy more than once, in more ways than one, and so the damage done to his reputation and career has been equally as costly, if not more so.

So Tony knows about Baseball Reference and knows how to use it, but didn’t take the time to look up Mark Teixeira’s postseason numbers earlier?

It appears as though Tony doesn’t like performance-enhancing drug users in baseball. He’s allowed to feel that way, but why would he then write this book with David Ortiz? Or maybe he forgot about the time Ortiz held a press conference at Yankee Stadium in 2009 to address PED allegations and offered the following statement: “I never thought buying supplements was going to hurt somebody’s feelings. If that happened, I’m sorry about it.”

As long as Ortiz is sorry, it’s OK. I mean he’s Big Papi! He’s a great guy who didn’t mean to hurt anyone’s feelings when he was “carelessly” (his words) buying and taking supplements. I wonder if Varitek has any strong feelings about Ortiz’s nickname? Big Papi? You mean David?

Again, classic Rodriguez. He never could see beyond his own scope.

“Classic Rodriguez!” (I picture Tony using Zach Galifiankis’ voice to say this.)

Lest anyone think the Yankees have been entirely blameless in all this, think again. When Rodriguez opted out of his 10-year, $252 million contract following the 2007 season – he and then-agent Scott Boras tactlessly did this during the World Series – the Yankees rewarded him with an even bigger contract, a decision for which they are still paying. Then there are stories like yesterday’s, suggesting the Yankees were annoyed that Rodriguez gave them no advance notice before showing up to camp two days early.

Boo hoo, A-Rod opted out of his contract while the Red Sox were playing in the World Series. Poor, Red Sox. Poor, Tony.

Hello? Anybody home? Rodriguez has three years and more than $60 million remaining on his contract through 2017, but that is a relatively small price to pay at this point. That number becomes even smaller if one assumes that Rodriguez isn’t likely to see the end of this contract, anyway, meaning that the Yankees will eventually end up paying millions for a player they will have released, be it in 2017 or before.

The point: why didn’t the Yankees just release him now and be done with it? Nobody in baseball would come within a foul pole of Rodriguez anymore. He can’t hurt them any more from the outside than he does from the inside. And if the Yankees are trying to somehow punish Rodriguez by making him play out his contract, they are likely doing as much harm to themselves as they are to him.

Tony, Tony, Tony. TONY! You can’t possibly be asking why the Yankees haven’t released A-Rod, but since you are, let’s review the three reasons why A-Rod is a Yankee:

1. The Yankees owe Alex Rodriguez $61 million over the next three years and that’s not including his bonuses.

2. The Yankees have decided to cut back on spending and need a drawing card to sell tickets. A-Rod is that drawing card.

3. The Yankees don’t have a reliable power option for their offense and A-Rod is now one of many options (like Mark Teixeira, Carlos Beltran and Brian McCann) that the Yankees are hoping they can possibly get lucky with.

The Yankees are a business and A-Rod helps their business.

For sure, there is the possibility Rodriguez will serve as the designated hitter for this Yankees team, but that is hardly the point. Rodriguez is a clown show now the same way that Jose Canseco was at the end of his career, and he will likely lead a circus life like Canseco after his banishment from the game, too. We must all wonder why the Yankees didn’t pull the plug on Rodriguez now, no matter the cost.

You know who says that A-Rod brings a media circus everywhere he goes? The media. The media is the circus that follows A-Rod everywhere and makes A-Rod the story. It’s a shame because instead of asking Yankees ownership and the front office this week why they are operating the team the way they are and what their plan or strategy is the for the future since they didn’t sign Yoan Moncada, the media is worried about counting A-Rod’s batting practice swings and Instagramming pictures of him signing autographs and counting how many home runs he hits off soft-tossed pitches.

No one should care about A-Rod the way Tony wants, but people do because the media is the circus that puts on the show. It’s simple: no coverage, no show. But in a world where most of the mainstream media could care less about being good at their jobs like Tony’s boy Teixeira, A-Rod is an easy story to fill space and word counts. Tony is part of the circus.

Please, put him out of his misery.

Please stop writing this column, Tony. Hold “CTRL” and “A “at the same time and then press “DELETE”.

Spare him.

Or don’t.

Spare us all.

Next time think of your own words when you’re about to write nonsense like this and “Spare us all.”

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BlogsOpening DayYankees

Yoan Moncada Proves the Yankees Are No Longer the Yankees

The Yankees chose not to sign Yoan Moncada in what is the latest of a trend that should have people questioning what their plan for the future is.

Yoan Moncada

This is not good. This. Is. Not. Good.

I was thinking of sending in the lyrics to Pearl Jam’s “Black” instead of writing this since I am holding back tears and shaking, but I wasn’t sure if turning in Eddie Vedder’s work as my own counts as plagiarism since it’s a song.

Just over four years and two months ago, I started a column that same way. That column came after Cliff Lee chose the Phillies over the Yankees. Five months after Lee didn’t end up on the Yankees and cost them a trip to the 2010 World Series, the Yankees couldn’t get him again. For weeks, Yankees fans were told Lee would be a Yankee. The Yankees would offer the most money, the Yankees gave him the best chance at winning and his supposed best friend was CC Sabathia, who was a Yankee. But somehow Lee ended up in Philadelphia.

Last week I wrote, “Get Me Yoan Moncada on the Yankees“, which now is nothing more than a waste of 1,490 words explaining why the Yankees desperately need to sign the 19-year-old Cuban. This morning, I received a text from my girlfriend that said,”Moncada to the Red Sox” and my heart sank. It was the same feeling I had in December 2010 when Jon Heyman started reporting about a “mystery team” entering the Cliff Lee sweepstakes before it was leaked to be the Phillies.

Yoan Moncada on the Red Sox? I’m sure Eddie wouldn’t have minded if I just posted his lyrics to “Black” instead of taking the time to write this depressing column.

I know someday you’ll have a beautiful life, I know you’ll be a star
In somebody else’s sky, but why? Why? why?
Can’t it be, can’t it be mine
We, we, we, we, we belong together! Together!

It’s time to look back at how I felt that day when Lee chose the Phillies and compare it today with the Yankees choosing not to sign Moncada. And like that day, quotes from Michael Scott of The Office will take us through the decision because right now that is the person who most resembles our trusty GM and ownership.

Here we go. (Now playing: “Everybody Hurts” by R.E.M.)

“But I always thought that the day that Steve Martin died would be the worst day of my life. I was wrong. It’s this.”

I didn’t think I would feel the same way I did on the day that Lee chose the Phillies over the Yankees, but I do. Actually, I feel worse. Moncada didn’t choose the Red Sox over the Yankees, the Yankees just didn’t choose him and that’s what hurts more. If the Yankees upped their offer, he would be a Yankee. He was going to go to the highest bidder and they were outbid. They didn’t have to do anything other than give him more money. But nowadays, the Yankees apparently don’t have money. It’s time to change the team’s marketing campaign from “Our history. Your tradition.” to “Our history. Your tradition. We’re poor.” (Now playing: “All Out Of Love” by Air Supply.)

“How do I feel about losing the sale? It’s like if Michael Phelps, came out of retirement, jumped in the pool, belly-flopped and drowned.”

In the movie Heavy Weights, at the demolished go-kart track at Camp Hope, Gerry has this exchange with Pat.

Gerry: “Did this place always stink this much?”

Pat: “No, Gerry. This place used to stink very little. In fact … it didn’t stink at all.”

Gerry: “Well, it does now.”

There was a time when a player of Moncada’s potential meant that reports that other teams like the Dodgers, Red Sox, Padres and Brewers being involved in talks for him were just noise. No one would have believed that any team other than the Yankees would land a player like Moncada. That’s no longer the case. The Yankees have become Camp Hope under Tony Perkis.

(Now playing: “Mellon Collie And The Infinite Sadness” by The Smashing Pumpkins.)

“My whole life, I believed that America was No. 1. That was the saying. Not, ‘America is No. 2.’ England is No. 2, and China should be like 8.”

The Red Sox have never signed a free agent the Yankees truly wanted until now. Yes, the Yankees wanted Curt Schilling back in the winter of 2003, but they didn’t really pursue him. They just figured they would get him and Schilling figured he would be a Yankee until the Red Sox front office flew to Schilling’s for Thanksgiving and changed his mind. This is the first time the Red Sox have gotten a free agent the Yankees wanted and it could have been avoided for a few million more dollars. The same kind of millions they wasted on Kei Igawa or Jaret Wright or A.J. Burnett or A.J. Burnett to pitch for the Pirates or any one of a number of bust free agents past their prime.

The Red Sox greatly (and thankfully) overpaid for Daisuke Matsuzaka, who was supposed to come to the majors with an unhittable “gyroball” that was going to mimick Roy Halladay’s “palmball” in EA Sports’ MVP Baseball 2005. J.D. Drew? The Yankees didn’t want him or have a need for him. Carl Crawford? Aside from a dinner with Brian Cashman, the Yankees were never really interested. Hanley Ramirez and Pablo Sandoval? The Yankees were never in on them. Whenever the Yankees have gone head-to-head in free agency with the Red Sox, they have won. Until now. (Now playing: “Every Breath You Take” by The Police.)

“Here’s the sitch. Two weeks ago, I was in the worst relationship of my life. She treated me poorly, we didn’t connect, I was miserable. Now, I am in the best relationship of my life, with the same woman. Love is a mystery.”

When spring training starts, I start to worry about the Yankees. But near the end of spring training and as Opening Day gets closer, I start to feel overconfident about the Yankees. I think it will be a great year, even if it won’t be, and I talk myself into believing they will win the World Series.

Over the last couple of weeks as I started to think about this season and how it hinges on the health of Masahiro Tanaka and Michael Pineda and how at any moment I can look at Twitter and read that one of them is hurt and POOF! the season is gone, and I’m left sitting on my thumb trying to find something else to do this summer. But then with the signing of Moncada appearing imminent and with the Yankees holding private workouts twice in the last few days, I started to gain hope that the Yankees would have the Next Big Thing in baseball and a potential superstar. Now I’m sitting here again waiting to hear that Tanaka has elbow discomfort or that Pineda has one of any of a long list of injuries he has had or could endure and the summer will be ruined. (Now playing: “With Or Without You” by U2.)

“You know what? I had fun at prom. [pause] And no one said yes to that either.”

George Steinbrenner bought the Yankees in 1973. In the 37 ½ years of his life that he ran the team (I know that number depends on when he technically stopped being in charge and you also have take away the years he was banned), no one except Greg Maddux turned down the Yankees, until Cliff Lee. Again, Yoan Moncada didn’t turn down the Yankees, the Yankees turned him down, but this is another example of life during the Hal (and maybe Hank?) Steinbrenner era.

The Yankees let the Mariners outbid them for homegrown start Robinson Cano. They didn’t care to pay to bring back their homegrown closer in his prime in David Robertson and he went to the White Sox. They let the Dodgers sign Brandon McCarthy and didn’t want to spend to enhance their rotation. They never even tried to get Jon Lester, Max Scherzer and James Shields. That’s right, the Yankees never tried to get any of the three best starting pitchers in a give free-agency year.

Sure, last year they went out and spent when they said they wouldn’t. But they got Masahiro Tanaka, who was Cy Young-worthy, but also whose right elbow is a ticking time bomb, overpaid for Jacoby Ellsbury, signed Carlons Beltran 10 years later than they should originally have and gave Brian McCann a five-year deal just in time to endure the catcher’s worst season of his career. (Now playing: “How’s It Going To Be” by Third Eye Blind.)

“You know what Toby, when the son of the deposed king of Nigeria e-mails you directly, asking for help, you help! His father ran the freaking country! OK?”

The only way I won’t feel like my dog got run over every time Moncada steps to the plate against the Yankees is if he becomes the Cuban position player version of Jose Contreras or if he is somehow lying about his age and is actually in his mid-20s right now. It was Theo Epstein in December 2002 who was trashing his hotel room after finding out Contreras had signed with the Yankees for four years, $32 million, so maybe this one will go the Yankees’ way? Or maybe Yoan Moncada is actually 29 years old?

1. Everyone who has ever seen a baseball seems to agree that Moncada is the real deal and could potentially be the best Cuban player to reach the majors yet.

2. The Yankees’ overspending in the international market means that they will not be allowed to offer an international free agent more than $300,000 for the next two years.

When you know about these two things, how do you NOT sign Moncada? If his agent tells you, the Red Sox offered $31 million, you answer back that you’re going to $35 million just to be safe. And if he tells you another team went to $35 million. You go to $40 million. That is, unless you have another potential future face of the franchise/middle-of-the-order hitter in the system, who would easily be the No. 1 pick if he were eligible for the draft. There’s a better chance A-Rod gets a standing ovation on Opening Day than there is that a player of that caliber is currently in the organization. And even if the Yankees believe they have a player like that, they also believed Eduardo Nunez would be the heir to Derek Jeter’s shortstop and were never willing to trade him in a deal for Cliff Lee or others. He ended up getting traded for a minor-leaguer because career minor-leaguer Yangerivs Solarte took his spot. (Now playing: “The Heart Of The Matter” by Don Henley.)

“There are ten rules of business that you need to learn. Number one: You need to play to win. But, you also have to … win, to play.”

I have no idea what the Yankees’ strategy is the for the future. Wait until A-Rod, Teixeira and Sabathia come off the books and then spend wildly again? In a few years when that happens, Moncada will be in the majors and hitting third for the Red Sox, and the Yankees will be trying to find a player like Moncada. If your strategy is to spend and spend and spend then you can’t take years off from spending. Especially when you’re the Yankees. Especially when you sold part of YES to FOX for an amount that could put every senior in high school in New York City through college. Especially when you’re charging $12 for watered-down Coors Lights in plastic cup. Especially when ticket prices keep going up and it costs roughly $19,000 to sit between the bases for a regular-season game on a Thursday night against the Astros.

The Yankees are like the guy at the blackjack table that stays with a 16 with the dealer showing a 7, but only sometimes. If you’re going to do something like that, then do it consistently. Don’t sign Kei Igawa because of Daisuke Matsuzaka and then not be in on Yu Darvish because Matsuzaka and Igawa sucked. Don’t say you’re not going to spend money because of the $189 million luxury tax threshold and then spend nearly $500 million on four free agents (Tanaka, Ellsbury, McCann, Beltran) because you missed the playoffs and the Red Sox won the World Series. Don’t not go out and try to get the best free agents (Lester, Scherzer, Shields, Moncada) at areas of need (starting pitching, good young talent) because the free agents you signed the year before had bad years.

That’s how small-market teams operate. They can’t afford to throw money around and have it not work out because then they don’t have any more money to throw. The Yankees aren’t a small-market team with financial restraints. They are the effing New York Yankees. It’s time they started to act like it again. (Now playing: “Un-break My Heart” by Toni Braxton.)

“I miss the feeling of knowing you did a good job because someone gives you proof of it. ‘Sir, you’re awesome, let me give you a plaque! What? A whole year has gone by? You need more proof? Here is a certificate.’ They stopped making plaques that year.”

The five-year grace period for the Yankees is over. The five years following a championship is over. If you believe in the grace period, then this year you are free to act accordingly if the Yankees don’t win the World Series.

The Yankees have won one World Series in the last 14 seasons. That one World Series is because of A-Rod. The same person that some Yankees fans seemingly hate and want to boo and the same person the Yankees are so upset with for taking performance-enhancing drugs. They are mad that he put illegal substances and likely some with unknown short-term and long-term side effects to try to stay healthy and play baseball better. Without A-Rod, the Yankees lose Game 2 of the 2009 ALDS and maybe Game 3 too. They lose Game 2 of the 2009 ALCS and maybe don’t come back in Game 3 of the 2009 World Series and trail that series 2-1.

Luckily for the Yankees, A-Rod is still a Yankee. Because this week when he is at spring training, all of the lazy media members can give their attention to him and ask questions to the Yankees about A-Rod rather than ask why they are suddenly poor and operating the way that they are. (Now playing: “The Flame” by Cheap Trick.)

“Andy Bernard. Pros: he’s classy. He gets me. He went to Cornell. I trust him. Cons: I don’t really trust him.”

I’m supposed to like Brian Cashman, but I don’t. It’s not because of this or that he told No. 2 to test the market if he didn’t like the Yankees’ offer, but they are just the icing on the cake of a mountain of problems in the last decade. I have no idea what Brian Cashman is going to do now. No one does. I don’t even know if Brian Cashman knows what he’s going to do.

I wrote that in the Cliff Lee column. Maybe this decision is on Cashman or on ownership or a combination of both, but it now applies to the entire untrustworthy front office.

There are Yankees fans that like to use the “If George were still alive …” rhetoric when things don’t go way they might have in different time, and those who don’t use that rhetoric make fun of those who do. But today, there’s nothing to make fun of. When George Steinbrenner was alive, the Yankees got the players they wanted. They didn’t always work out, but he was willing to pay to find out if they would. He was willing to make exuberant and at times reckless financial decisions to get the possible players for his team to give the Yankees the best possible chance to win. If a player or pitcher didn’t perform or live up to expectations, it didn’t deter him from investing in future players. He made sure the Yankees were the Yankees and every free agent and every team knew it. Now under his son (or sons), the Yankees are just another team.

If Moncada had signed with the Dodgers, it would have sucked, but at least he would be out of the league, out of the division, out of the rivalry and out of my life. But no, he signed in Boston. He signed with the one team he couldn’t sign and now if he is the player every scout and team seems to think he will be, I will be reminded of this day every time the Yankees play the Red Sox.

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Opening DayPodcastsYankees

Podcast: JJ Barstool Sports New York

Pitchers and catchers report for the Yankees and the entire 2015 season hinges mainly on the health and right elbow of Masahiro Tanaka.

Masahiro Tanaka

Baseball is finally here! Well, sort of. Pitchers and catchers reported today in Tampa for the Yankees with the first workout scheduled for Saturday with the rest of the team reporting on Wednesday. While we hopefully wait for A-Rod’s apology letter to leave the headlines for news of Yoan Moncada signing with the Yankees, it made sense to do a two-part spring training podcast to talk about the state of the Yankees with the start of the 2015 season.

JJ of Barstool Sports New York joined me for Part I to talk about the Yankees’ latest retired numbers, A-Rod’s apology letter, how worried Yankees fans should be about the rotation and who should be the closer.

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Get Me Yoan Moncada on the Yankees

The Yankees desperately need to sign Yoan Moncada and prove that they are still the Yankees when it comes to the best available free agents.

Yoan Moncada

It’s about this time every year when I start to worry about the Yankees. Over the following six weeks, that worrying turns into irrational confidence right before Opening Day and then the season begins and it’s a daily six-month grind of emotions like one long game of No-Limit ‘Hold Em that lasts from April to September and hopefully October. There’s nothing like the baseball season and that’s why it’s important to not have a lost season. Right now, I’m scared the 2015 could be one.

After two straight postseason-less years, my worrying is at an all-time high for late February because the season hinges on the previously-injured elbow of Masahiro Tanaka and the health of Michael Pineda, who has started 13 games in the last three seasons. If one of them were to miss a significant amount of time, there’s a good chance 2015 will go the way 2013 and 2014 did. If they both were to miss a significant amount of time, the season would be over. I’m not ready to believe that CC Sabathia trying to push the sun back into the sky Billy Chapel-style, the 2014 National League hits-allowed leader Nathan Eovaldi and journeyman Chris Capuano can carry the Yankees’ rotation if Tanaka and Pineda go down.

In the mid-2000s when the Yankees were a 95-win to 100-win machine despite having horrible starting rotations, they had an all-world and at times an all-time offense to carry them. They had “Murder’s Row and Cano” and too many bats for not enough positions. (In 2006, Robinson Cano hit ninth and hit .342 with 41 doubles and missed 40 games.) Putting up 900 runs in a year is enough to make up for trotting out starters like Jon Lieber, second-half Javier Vazquez, Kevin Brown, Jaret Wright and not-exactly-in-his-prime Randy Johnson for full seasons. Now that’s no longer the case. The Yankees need their rotation to carry their embarrassing offense and by “rotation” I mean Tanaka and Pineda and if they can’t then no one can.

The Yankees’ offense is in a weird place. They gave Jacoby Ellsbury $153 million to be a top-of-the-order presence in his prime and he ended up hitting third for most of the year. They signed Carlos Beltran to a three-year, $45 million deal just 10 years after they should have actually signed him after the 2004 season and he was worse than anyone could have imagined. Despite catcher being the only position of any depth in the organization, they gave Brian McCann $85 million to hit .232/.286/.406. Those three free-agent signings in addition with the end of Derek Jeter’s career, the end of Alfonso Soriano’s career, what should be the end of Mark Teixeira’s career, the last leg of Ichiro Suzuki’s career and the decision to sign Brian Roberts and Kelly Johnson and play them a lot and the 2014 Yankees scored 17 less runs (633) than the 2013 Yankees (650) and here is who played the most games at each position for the 2013 Yankees:

C – Chris Stewart
1B – Lyle Overbay
2B – Robinson Cano
3B – Eduardo Nunez
SS – Jayson Nix
LF – Vernon Wells
CF – Brett Gardner
RF – Ichiro Suzuki
DH – Travis Hafner

I only wish I knew before the 2013 season how it would shake out due to injuries because I could have saved a lot of time and money that I spent watching that team.

What the Yankees have entering the 2015 season offensively is unfortunately what they are going to have in 2016. No one is an impending free agent and no one is coming off the books after the season except for Stephen Drew, but after he hit .150/.219/.271 in 46 games for the Yankees last season after helping the Red Sox win the World Series in 2013, he doesn’t count to me. The question marks I have today I will likely have on Feb. 19, 2016. The only real difference would be if Drew is so bad (very likely) that the Yankees cut him loose the way they did Roberts last year (let’s hope it’s sooner than four months into the season) and call up Rob Refsnyder as their second baseman of the future. Or they sign Yoan Moncada this week.

I used to wonder what it would be like if the Steinbrenners sold the Yankees. What if the new ownership group didn’t run the team with the same win-at-all-costs mentality and the same drive to win the World Series and spend more money than every other team to get the best possible players and put the team in the best position to contend every single year? And while the Steinbrenners still own the team, Hal’s approach to operating the team has been much different than his father’s. And that doesn’t mean “If George were alive then (insert something good would have happened)”, it just means I miss the reckless and seemingly necessary wild spending habits of George.

Entering last offseason, the Yankees preached about staying under the luxury tax threshold. The number “$189 million” became a household figure in the Tri-state area and that phrase “luxury tax threshold” became a staple of every baseball conversation. The Yankees maintained that no matter what they would be responsible and not go over that number. But then they missed the playoffs for the first time since 2008 and second time since 1993, and the Red Sox won the World Series while Yankees fans sat on their thumbs at home in October watching the Red Sox win for the third time in 10 seasons. Couple a missed postseason with having your direct rival win the World Series and the magic number of “$189 million” was forgotten about like Joe Torre at the final game of the original Yankee Stadium.

But because the Yankees spent $438 million on four players last season and one of them was great before getting hurt (Tanaka), one of them was so-so (Ellsbury), one of them was a little less than so-so (McCann) and one of them was horrible (Beltran), the Yankees went back in their shell and decided to stand their ground again this offseason.

In December 2002, the Yankees signed Hideki Matsui to a three-year, $21 million deal (in 2015, he probably would have gotten $200 million). Five days later, they signed Jose Contreras to a four-year, $32 million deal and they still went on to re-sign Roger Clemens as well. In December 2008, the Yankees signed CC Sabathia, A.J. Burnett and Mark Teixeira in what felt like 15 minutes. In December 2014, the Yankees signed Chase Headley, Andrew Miller and traded for Didi Gregorius, while Jon Lester, Max Scherzer and James Shields all went somewhere else with the Yankees never having been really involved at all in any of three, and that’s because the Yankees are being financially responsible again. And they’re being financially responsible again because even though they missed the playoffs, so did the Red Sox and also because the other team in New York still sucks. Attendance might be a problem, but they have that taken care of that problem by deciding to retire numbers 20, 46 and 51 all in the same season, the same way they decided to have Derek Jeter Day on the first Sunday of September because barely hanging in the postseason race was going to mean an empty Stadium for a Sunday September game during Week 1 of the NFL season.

According to Baseball America, the Yankees are already over their $2.19 million international bonus pool and will prohibited from signing pool-elgiible international players for more than $300,000 for the next two years. If they can’t go out and get international players for the next two years anyway, they might as well go get the best one they can right now.

The Yankees need Yoan Moncada. They need a power move to show that they are still the Yankees and that the Dodgers aren’t the Yankees. They need a player of his potential and caliber to pan out and be the next great Yankee and the face of the franchise. They need a future at shortshop in case Didi Gregorius never develops with the bat or at third base for when Chase Headley declines or at second base where they let their last franchise superstar second baseman leave for more money.

It might cost the Yankees at least $60 million to sign a 19-year-old, who may or may not become the next Yasiel Puig, but they have spent a lot more money on a lot of other free agents who didn’t work out and none of them had the scouting reports, age, ability and potential of Moncada.

All it will cost to get him is money. I miss the days when that never mattered.

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Mike Lupica Takes the Easy Way Out on Alex Rodriguez

Mike Lupica of the New York Daily News picked apart A-Rod’s apology letter, so it’s time to pick apart Mike Lupica’s column.

Alex Rodriguez Apology Letter

Last week, when I wrote The Latest Alex Rodriguez Apology, I thought I was done talking about A-Rod’s suspension and off-the-field issues when it comes to A-Rod. But then Mike Lupica got all worked up about A-Rod’s hand-written apology and decided to write about it and tell Yankees fans how they feel and should feel when it comes to the guy who single-handedly carried them in the 2009 playoffs to the World Series and a championship.

So let’s look at Lupica’s “Alex Rodriguez Takes Easy Way Out” and pick it apart the way he picked apart A-Rod’s hand-written apology.

To the end with Alex Rodriguez you wouldn’t believe the guy if he told you water was wet, even if he wrote that out in the schoolboy cursive handwriting he used on Tuesday when he apologized to the fans for being a very bad boy.

I’m not sure if A-Rod actually wrote the letter, but if he did, he certainly has some nice penmanship. Easily “S+”- or “O”-worthy penmanship if we’re talking elementary school report cards. And we all know you can’t teach neat handwriting, it’s a gift, so A-Rod’s gifts clearly extend outside baseball.

I know A-Rod didn’t come up with the idea to write the letter or what the letter should say, but who cares? He doesn’t owe anyone an apology and I don’t think anyone would take any apology he gives sincerely, especially after he gave one six years ago and did the same exact thing he said he no longer does and would never do again. But clearly, some people feel they personally need A-Rod to say sorry to them. Mike Lupica is one of those people.

Maybe his handlers, the ones who have always done such a bang-up job for Rodriguez, thought he would look more sincere making it a handwritten note. Most fans reading it probably wanted to write one back: Shut up and get out.

Who are these “most fans” Lupica talks about? Actually, who are the “fans” he ever talks about? Lupica wants to pretend that he is so in touch with the common man and the fan, as if he were one himself, and not just a cynical sportswriter, who walks around the Yankee Stadium press box eating soft serve ice cream in jeans and a blazer while a game is going on.

As a Yankees fan, the last thing I wanted to do when I read A-Rod’s hand-written apology was to write one back to him that says: Shut up and get out. If anything, I would have written back and said: “No need to apologize. Just please hit 30 home runs with 125 RBIs this year because no one else is going to do it. If you do that, no one will boo you.”

So this is the way Rodriguez decides to play it, deciding not to hold some kind of press conference before spring training, opting out of the visual of his lawyer sitting next to him and telling him which questions he could answer, and which ones would require him to exercise his Fifth Amendment rights, so as not to face self-incrimination. But then DEA informants — it is exactly what Rodriguez is — rarely want to tell their stories in public.

What good would have come from an A-Rod press conference? What good has come from his hand-written apology? What good would have come if he went door-to-door apologizing to all of these “most fans” that supposedly want to tell him to “Shut up and get out”? A-Rod isn’t going to “get out” for three very basic reasons:

1. The Yankees owe Alex Rodriguez $61 million over the next three years and that’s not including his bonuses.

2. The Yankees have decided to cut back on spending and need a drawing card to sell tickets. A-Rod is that drawing card.

3. The Yankees don’t have a reliable power option for their offense and A-Rod is now one of many options (like Mark Teixeira, Carlos Beltran and Brian McCann) that the Yankees are hoping they can possibly get lucky with.

The Yankees are a business and A-Rod helps their business.

He somehow never managed to tell a version of his relationship with a now-convicted drug dealer like Anthony Bosch at his own arbitration hearing, which means under oath.

Now he tries to control his own cockeyed narrative about his drug use — is he really going to try to convince us once again that he didn’t know what he was buying from Bosch and using? — with a written apology that is like a nuanced legal brief, one in which the only thing he really admits is that he did an historic amount of time.

If he is trying to “convince you once again” then that must mean that he convinced you once before? Did A-Rod actually convince you that he never knew what he was taking or buying or putting into his body? If he did convince you and you believed him then what else are you going around living your life believing that isn’t true?

It is one thing to tell his story to a writer or to the new commissioner, Rob Manfred, behind closed doors. Or to do the same thing, again behind closed doors to Hal Steinbrenner of the Yankees and his team president, Randy Levine, and his general manager, Brian Cashman. It would have been quite another thing for Rodriguez to have answered questions out in the open without a lawyer present.

Poor, Mike Lupica. A-Rod didn’t hold a press conference, so Lupica is going to have to do some work and brainstorm and think of something to write in February in the worst month for sports. Without A-Rod, where is he going to get a few free 500-word columns from?

And that really wasn’t the visual he wanted, taking questions from the New York media and the national media, then having to stop for whispered conversations with his current attorney, Jim Sharp, before he might say something contradictory to what he has already told the feds; and what he might eventually say as a witness in upcoming Biogenesis-related trials for (Cousin) Yuri Sucart and a former Miami coach named Lazer Collazo.

“I served the longest suspension in the history of the League for PED use,” he writes.

Notice the language here. Rodriguez never uses the word steroids, the way he never used that word back in 2009 when he begged everybody for his first second chance. He doesn’t say “my” PED use. Just PED use. Alex Rodriguez remains as cute as his handwriting, and slicker than spit.

Does Mike Lupica know what A-Rod used exactly? Not all PEDs are steroids, just like not all rectangles are squares.

“I accept the fact that many of you will not believe my apology or anything I say at this point,” he writes. “I understand and that’s on me.”

There you have it, Rodriguez’s own weird version of accountability. He really is a beauty, a dream character, mostly in his own mind. Even as he asks the fans to believe how sorry he is for everything he’s done, he admits that the same fans to whom he is speaking probably don’t believe he’s really sorry. It will come out in the ESPN piece written by J.R. Moehringer that Alex is in therapy these days. Of course he is. It is about time, and better late than never, for somebody who really could be the buffet at a psychiatrist’s convention.

Maybe his idea of a confessional is whatever he has been saying to Moehringer who, and you can bank on this, surely will be as skeptical about Rodriguez’s ability to tell the truth, about everything except snowfall amounts, as anybody else who has spent significant time with him during his time on the stage.

But nobody gets Rodriguez’s Oprah moment now in some big room or hall or under some circus tent somewhere, with a roomful of Oprah Winfreys firing questions at him the way Oprah fired them at Alex’s patron saint, Lance Armstrong. He takes his message to his fans, whoever the hell they are at this point in what is left of his career.

Last year, I wrote Ryan Braun Deserves the A-Rod Treatment for Fake Apology and J.R. Moehringer wrote for ESPN, Ryan Braun “Won an MVP, got busted for steroids, twice, called the tester an anti-Semite, lied his testes off, made chumps of his best friends, including Aaron Rodgers, and still doesn’t inspire a scintilla of the ill will that follows Rodriguez around like a nuclear cloud.” So why is it that A-Rod is still the face of PEDs and this era? Why is he such a horrible person for using PEDs, but players like Braun can return to normalcy and someone like Andy Pettitte can have his number retired by the Yankees?

I haven’t come across any Yankees fans who don’t want A-Rod back. I’m sure they are out there, but they can easily be swayed by a few early-season “A-Bomb from A-Rod” drops from John Sterling. If A-Rod is productive and helps the Yankees win, there won’t be a fan who won’t root for him if it means Ws and there won’t be a fan who won’t be happy with the Yankees winning if it involves an admitted PED user. There isn’t a fan of any team who is willing to trade wins for losses because of a PED user.

“I’m ready to put this chapter behind me,” Rodriguez writes, in script, stopping himself from putting it into verse the way Amar’e Stoudemire did on his way out of town.

Most of the fans to whom Rodriguez spoke on Tuesday — and from the heart! — are probably wishing that there was some way for Stoudemire to take Alex Rodriguez back to Texas with him.

“Most of the fans” who Lupica is making up are probably not relating Alex Rodriguez to Amar’e Stoudemire.

A-Rod and the Knicks. That’s all Mike Lupica has. Well, that and trying to be a political writer over the last few years as well. And also the Yankee Stadium press ice cream. Those four things. (I think he might still have a radio show too? So maybe five?)

He writes an open letter the way Ray Rice wrote an open letter in the Baltimore Sun. Rice did it because he needs a job. Rodriguez has one, a real good one with the New York Yankees, at least $61 million still coming to him over the next few years. Bosch, his drug dealer? He goes to jail now for 48 months, three months shy of the maximum sentence he could have gotten for operating the kind of drug ring he was operating.

Alex Rodriguez used performance-enhancing drugs. Ray Rice punched a woman in the face. As you can see, we have two very similar people here.

A-Rod broke the rules to stay healthy and gain a competitive advantage. The same rules that were broken and the same competitive advantage gained by the stars of Mike Lupica’s book Summer of ’98. Ah, good old, 1998. The tag line on Lupica’s book is “When Homers Flew, Records Fell, and Baseball Reclaimed America.” We all remember that magical season when baseball was  pure and clean and stand-up guys like Mark McGwire and Sammy Sosa chased down Roger Maris’ 37-year-old record. I can’t believe A-Rod would try to tarnish a game and completely disrespect fellow players like McGwire and Sosa by choosing to use performance-enhancing drugs.

The star of that ring, still batting cleanup there, still a big name at Biogenesis, was Alex Rodriguez. He doesn’t go to jail. He goes to spring training. Is this a great country or what?

Alex Rodriguez is a baseball player, who used performance-enhancing drugs and because he tarnished records he should go to jail. That’s what Mike Lupica wants. He wants A-Rod in jail and not in Tampa at spring training. Do not pass GO, A-Rod, and do not collect $200.

Does Lupica think all performance-enhancing drug or steroid users should go to jail? They must have illegally bought steroids or drugs or supplements and who do you buy them from? Drug dealers, of course. Forget people like Chris Davis who was suspended for taking Adderall, that he was once allowed to take and is now allowed to take again. Like Lupica said about A-Rod, notice the language Davis used when he admitted to using Adderall. He said Adderall instead of steroids and all PEDs are steroids, so that tells us that Chris Davis used steroids, which he must have bought from a drug dealer. But Chris Davis doesn’t go to jail. He gets to go to spring training in Sarasota. Is this a great country or what?

He was going to be baseball’s all-time home run champ. Even after he admitted to being a drug user, he managed to have his best baseball October and lead the Yankees to a World Series. Judge me on what I do going forward, he said back in 2009. That is exactly what everybody has done.

Andddddd there it is. Mike Lupica, like every old-school baseball nerd is still heartbroken that Alex Rodriguez didn’t turn out to be who they thought he would be and could be or who they thought he should be. He was supposed to be the star of this generation and maybe the best player ever. He was supposed to save the game and the home-run record from Barry Bonds, but instead he ended be just like Bonds. How dare a baseball player who once signed a 10-year, $252 million contract and opted out of it to sign a 10-year, $275 million contract let everyone down. We should all expect more out of someone who made $197,530.86 per game for two years (2009 and 2010) to play baseball.

Now he is back, panhandling for redemption and another second chance, trying to make one last first impression, the richest drug informant in all of baseball history. One more record for Alex Rodriguez.

Now he is back, with there years left on his contract, and a chance to do what he did six years ago when this happened: help the Yankees win the World Series. And if he does that, no one will care what he wrote in his letter or that he didn’t hold a press conference that Lupica wouldn’t have even attended, all so he could  mail in another “column”.

Winning cures everything and the last time A-Rod was in this spot, he won.

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